𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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"A car is coming in"

Du-yeong and Seon-woo were stationed in the crook of the parking lot, hidden in the shadows and out of sight from the hungry, capitalistic bastards they were going to end tonight. Seon-woo was seated on her bike, Du-yeong's midnight blue one resting next to hers. The man was standing by the corner, peaking over the side as headlights flashed them, Hyeon-ju's voice filling their ear pieces as she stood as look out at a nearby building.

"We have one" he said as Seon-woo nodded, leaning on her bike as she spotted the sleek black car, park.

"What do we do?" Hyeon- ju asked as he glanced back at the car.

"Wait for now" he said, turning off his earpiece when his phone began to ring. Seon-woo hunched over her motorcycle, seeing his face twist in slight anguish, his eyes torn, hovering over the two buttons.

"Are you not going to answer?" she asked softly, careful to not alert anyone of their presence.

"I'm not so sure" he said before declining, pocketing his phone as he sighed deeply.

" Who is it?"

"My wife" he breathed out fondly, his eyes sparkling a little as he looked at her.

'' Why didn't you answer?" she asked curiously, her eyes softening as he ran his hand through his hair.

"She doesn't know about this. This life, my life. What I did and still do. I don't want to put her in danger" he said before he smiled widely. " She's pregnant as well".

Seon-woo's eyes rounded as her grin widened, her eyes beaming as she leaned further excitedly. "Really" she cooed as he nodded, his smile so warm and full of love.

"It's going to be a girl" he told her, a giddy smile on his face as she hopped off the bike, his smile infectious as she gave him a hug.

"I'm so happy for you Mr Lee" she beamed as he squeezed her tighter, a feeling of comfort he hadn't really got to share with anyone. "I'm going to be a dad Seon-woo"

"You're going to be a great dad" she assured as she pulled away.

"I haven't really told anyone about her, or the baby so can you" he said hesitantly as she straightened up, sealing her lips.

"Your secret is safe with me" she promised as his shoulders eased slightly.

"Thank you Seon-woo" he said as she grinned.

"We're going to make it through this. "she reassured "Hopefully you then can invite me to see her when she's born" she said cheerfully.

"Of course," he nodded as she grinned behind her mask.

"Uh guys" they suddenly heard Hyeon- ju, their earpieces switching on as a new set of headlights entered the lot. " Kim Jun-min is here".

"Remember, wait 10 seconds before following" he told her as she nodded. The two tugging on their helmets, lowering their visors as Du- yeong revved his engine.

She held her breath as he unsheathed his knife, Jun-Min standing in the middle of the lot as he swore loudly before Du-yeong pressed down on his throttle. The blade slicing his throat in one clean, swift swing as Jun-min crashed to the floor, Du-yeong making his way up the ramp and out the building.

Seon-woo started her engine, grabbing a spare baton from Hyeon- ju she focused on her balance as two men came rushing to Jun-min's side. Their eyes widening as she zipped past them, her baton smashing into their skulls as they were thrown back.

Seon-woo swerved as a pair of headlights blinded her, she skidded to a stop when she saw Mr lee on the floor, his bike slumped a couple feet away from him from the unexpected car that crashed into them.

Myeon-gil's goons got out of the car, swarming to him as they grabbed whatever they could, beating him to the ground as she hopped off her bike, darting towards them.

"Don't touch him" she growled, her knee colliding with the ground as she slid his legs from under one of them, his body landing on the ground, losing his grip on his bat.

"You motherfcker" the other cursed, grabbing her from behind, she pushed her weight backwards until his back collided with the wall, she slammed her head back, her helmet breaking his nose as he slumped to the ground, holding his bleeding nose. Du-yeong managed to get to his feet , toppling the last one, as he crawled on top of him, punching him in his face until his eyes rolled back and he went limp from underneath him.

"Are you alright?" Seon-woo asked as she rushed to him, helping him up as she checked him over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks kid" he said patting her helmet as he went and gabbed his bike. " You're such a badass" she said as he chuckled, seeing Hyeon- ju perched on her motorcycle, waiting for them as she flashed her lights to signal her location.

"Let's go. They'll be bringing Im Jang- do soon. Wouldn't want to keep our guestwaiting" he said before they nodded, Hyeon- ju filing in as they made their wayto Mr Choi's warehouse where their plan to ruin Kim Myeong-gil had finallycommenced

 Wouldn't want to keep our guestwaiting" he said before they nodded, Hyeon- ju filing in as they made their wayto Mr Choi's warehouse where their plan to ruin Kim Myeong-gil had finallycommenced

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They make me soft 😭

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