𝐯𝐢. 𝐋𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲

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The woman turned her head at the sound of the timid voice of her mother. Her eyes were void, the hospital gown concealing the bandages secured around her chest as she sat perched up against the bed frame, the soft beeping of the monitor echoing in her ears.

"Mom" she croaked gently. Her mother stifled her guilt as she covered her mouth with a trembling hand, hesitantly approaching her eldest as she stood beside her.

"Mom I'm okay" Seon-woo whispered turning her hand, careful as to made sudden movements that would spark pain in her chest. Her mother latched onto her hand with both of hers, tugging it onto her lap as she sat down on the chair by her bedside.

"I'm so sorry Seon-woo" she cried, resting her forehead upon their entwined hands. "It wasn't your fault mom" she soothed softly as she squeezed her hand gently.

"Is-" she said nervously, as her mother nodded immediately.

"Geon-woo is okay" her mother assured as Seon-woo slumped in relief. "He was discharged before we came to see you. We weren't allowed to see you" her mother lamented while Seon-woo felt a tear slip down her cheek, brushing it away before her mother would notice.

"Where is he?" she asked timidly.

Seon-woo's eyes flickered to where the curtain rustled revealing her brother fidgeting before her. His eyes rooted to the ground, blood coating his jumper as he held his jacket tightly in his hand. She could make out the wide bandages across the side of his face, running from his cheek down to his jaw. The material peeking from behind the mask.

"Geon-woo" she said, shakily but he couldn't look at her. Their mother slyly reached out, grabbing his arm as she tugged him to stand alongside her.

" I'm sorry" he said softly before his eyes drifted to meet hers. She gasped under her breath when she caught sight of the bruises around his eye and cheek, his lip probably split as well and his knuckles raw and angry that were once decorated with little glass shards embedded into his skin that they had to dig out.

"It's not your fault and you know it Geon-woo" she said he took a deep breath, his lip trembling as he peeked at the bandages peaking from her shoulder.

"It's just a couple of fractured ribs. I'll be okay" she said, tightening her hand on her mother's as Geon-woo bit down on his lip harshly to keep his tears from falling. "I think I'm going to be out of commission for a bit don't you think" she said trying to lighten the mood but all she got was sombre looks from her family.

"Ah I tried" she chuckled before wincing. "Ouch, don't laugh, got it" she gritted before a nurse came in.

"Ms Kim, you're free to go" she said as she handed Geon-woo her clothes. He bowed thankfully as she left, placing it on the bed as he and their mother eased her gently off the bed, careful as to not irritate her injury. They held her arms as she got to her feet.

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