𝐱𝐢. 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞

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Night had settled, the city had a thick and heavy tension in the air but the nerves amongst the group of four were never higher. They had started making their way to the fish farm, travelling a couple hours until the busking city had completely muted into a quiet countryside.

They were minutes out from their destination, Geon-woo slowing the car to a stop, Da- min looking at them confused. "Why are we stopping?"

"We will head in first. You're going to keep a lookout" he told her" Come in once you find a spot to shoot".

"Sounds good" Woo-jin said as Seon-woo nodded in agreement from the back.

Woo-jin got out the car, lowering his seat as Da- min hopped out, Seon-woo giving her her bow and arrows as they waved her off continuing down the road.

"Good thinking" Woo-jin complimented as Geon-woo glanced at him confused.

"You dropped her far away so she doesn't get hurt right" Woo-jin clarified.

"Well I did it so we don't get caught" Geon-woo said as Seon-woo shook her head disappointed.

"Was it a bit far?" Woo-jin grimaced. " It'll take her like ten minutes".

"Then let's finish this fast" Seon-woo said as she leaned forward in her seat, her hand resting on either of their shoulders. "Just us"

"Sounds good" Woo-jin said as Geon-woo smiled.

They pulled up to the entrance, getting out of the car, Geon-woo and Woo-jin put on their gloves.

"I have a plan" Seon-woo said as she eyed the back entrance, nodding to the two boys, she departed from them.

Making her way around the back, she saw the tarp lifting giving her a view of them inside. Seeing Jun-min, with a faux bravado, a microphone in hand with a wide bandage around his throat, standing before them had her anger spiking as she clenched her fists.

The boys suddenly jumped into fight mode as the men attacked. She found the irrigation system, hooking up to the water supply all across the farm, from the piping to the pools containg the fish.

She winced when she heard Myeong-gil's yell, Mr Oh in his grasp and a knife pressed threateningly to his throat. Her hand hovered over the knob as Geon-woo and Woo-jin froze in place. Her eyes drifted up where she saw Da-min's silhouette scaling the ladder, almost at the top. She deciced if she could distract them long enough for Da-min to get to the top and shoot, they could save Mr Oh.

Seon-woo twisted the dial, the sprinklers in the farm going off causing for an outbreak of screams and cries, Myeong-gil letting go of Mr Oh as he slumped to the ground. Profanities poured from Myeong-gil's mouth as Jun-min ordered for it to stop. Seon-woo watched as Geon-woo and Woo-jin jumped into action, drenched from head to toe when suddenly an arrow whizzed past them embedding into Myeong-gil's arm as he completely backed off from Mr Oh, Geon-woo and Woo-jin finishing the last of the men as she switched off the sprinklers.

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