𝐯. 𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬

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"Is this the bar?" Woo-jin asked, glancing up at the building as Seon-woo pulled into the parking lot.

"Seems so" Geon-woo nodded, a bubbling pool of nervousness encapsulated them as a tall burly man met their gaze with a dismissive glare while ushering them inside. Not long after they had sent the message, they were informed of a meeting. Min-beom had arranged for them to meet up at a bar, a little south to discuss a potential alliance.

"Why do you think he chose a bar?" Woo-jin asked as Seon-woo shrugged.

"Don't know, but I do know someone is probably not going to remember tomorrow" she said as they reached the door, Geon-woo swinging it open as he saw Min-beom and an unfamiliar man sitting on the couches.

Bowing in respect, Min-beom and the man, who had looked rather tense and fidgety looked up startled at the surprisingly young group who stood before them. The lesser known of the two, stood up nodding lightly as he introduced himself. " I'm Min-beom's cousin, Gang-yong"

"I see. I'm Kim Geon-woo, this is my sister Kim Seon-woo" Geon-woo introduced as Seon-woo bowed her head, sending them an awkward smile.

"I'm Hong Woo-jin." Woo-jin said. "I dm'ed you"

"Let sit" Gang-yong prompted as they smiled sheepishly, taking a seat.

"Why don't we chat over some drinks" Min-beom said as he unwrapped a bottle of alcohol, apprehension pulling at the two siblings faces as Woo-jin sent them a concerned look.

"I'm really sorry but I got stabbed by Kim Myeong-gil's goons and tore my liver so I can't drink" Woo-jin declined as they chuckled lowly. Seon-woo felt out of place, uncomfortable as if it had felt like they were undermining them.

"If you don't want to drink just say so. It's fine" Min-beom said patronising him as Woo-jin sighed, lifting his shirt and revealing his scar to them. Their faces fell into a grimace.

"It's true, sir" he said pointing to each one. "Here, here, here"

"We get it" Gang-yong said, his face twisting as he ushered Woo-jin to drop his shirt. " It's disturbing to see. Pull it down".

"Yes, just sit out then" he said before looking at the two.

"You got stabbed too?"

Geon-woo shook his head, Seon-woo's eyes drifting to the drinks before glancing at her brother.

"No I just don't drink" Geon-woo said, eyeing the bottles warily as Seon-woo sighed.

"We're going to have a deep conversation. Let's drink" Min-beom pressed before looking at Seon-woo

"And you love?" he said as she looked up." You drink?"

Seon-woo looked startled as she glanced down at the bottles, the familial fear and disgust crawling up her chest and into her throat. She paused, the air feeling as if it had grown thinner and the bar suddenly feeling claustrophobic, the ringing of smashed glass and drunken slurs echoing in her ears. Seon-woo didn't tear her eyes away from the bottles before nodding her head. Geon-woo and Woo-jin looked at her in alarm as Gang-yong and Min-beom clapped their hands.

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