𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠?

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"Are you alright?"

 Seon-woo nodded feeling the heavy arms of her brother wrap around her, patting his back lightly she took a step out of his embrace, scanning him and Woo-jin for any injuries before she sighed in relief when she spotted none.

"I'm alright" she said as Hyeon-ju rounded the table, leaving the tea Seon-woo had made for them when they had arrived as she made her way towards the trio.

"You know your sister is a badass'' Hyeon- ju smirked as Seon-woo's lip quirked, throwing her arm around the shorter girl and bringing her into her side. "She's a natural on a bike"

"You know how to ride a motorcycle?!" Woo-jin and Geon-woo gaped as she nodded proudly.

"Add that to my resume" she grinned as Geon-woo stood wide eyed at his sister, lifting Woo-jin's jaw that had dropped in awe.

Woo-jin shook out his daze, stuttering as he took a second to recollect himself. "Uh we have Im Jang- do. They asked for salt water, do you know where the salt is?" he asked Hyeon -ju who pointed at the counter while Geon-woo grabbed a bucket.

"Let's go I saw a tap outside" Hyeon- ju ushered as they followed after her.

They pushed open the tarp, Geon-woo handing them the bucket of salt water as Seon-woo grimaced at the sight of Jang- do tied to a chair, his mouth and eyes ducked taped while Mr Hwang and Mr Lee sat by his sides.

"Come here and watch" Mr Hwang told when Hyeon- ju turned to leave.

"Sir-" Seon-woo tried but she fell silent as Du- yeong shook his head, his eyes guilty but he couldn't go against orders.

"Mr Choi's orders" Mr Hwang said as she fell in line next to Seon- woo who placed a comforting hand on her back for support even though the feeling pooling in her chest was anything but pleasant at what they were about to witness.

"I hate when people open their mouths and then close them again. So, when you find the resolve to tell me everything, nod your head" Mr Hwang said as he slid on black gloves. "If you say you'll talk and then back down. I'll carve your lips off with a knife. Got it''

Du- yeong, sighed under his breath as he switched on the carpentry tool, the machine whirring to life as the blade spun before he held it down on Jang-do's bare thigh.

Seon-woo flinched as Jang- do writhed, his screams muffled behind the tape as he heaved, panting in agony as Mr Hwang stirred the salt water before placing his hand on the angry red circular mark on his leg causing the man to throw his head back in pain.

"You're not going to talk are you?" Mr Hwang jeered before nodding to Du- yeong who repeated the process on his right thigh. Seon-woo glanced away as her hand covered her mouth, stifling the bile that rose in her throat as Hyeon-ju buried herself into her side.

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