𝐯.𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭

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The air was chilly as she tugged her duffel bag further up her shoulder. The sun had disappeared beneath the bright lights of Seoul and the city's night life had made itself known as she made her way to the gym where her self-defence classes were being held. Geon-woo had decided to head back home after Woo-jin departed.

She rubbed her hands as she neared the complex. Seeing a bunch of teenage girls and younger standing outside as they greeted her with a wave.

"Hello Ms Kim" they greeted, bowing as she reciprocated with a smile.

" Yuna, how was the exams?" she asked one of the girl's as she fished in her pockets for the keys.

"It went well" she said, grinning as they bounced of their feet, eager to get out of the cold.

"That's good to hear" Seon-woo said smiling, when her phone began to ring. She handed the keys to Yuna as she told them to start heading upstairs.

"Mom" Seon-woo chimed, her smile instantly dimming at her mother's tone.

"Seon-woo" she breathed out shakily as the woman held her phone tightly.

"Mom are you okay. What's wrong?" she said worriedly, glancing at the time hoping Geon-woo was almost at the café.

"A bunch of strange people came over-"her mother panicked.

"Strange people, who?" she furrowed, concerned.

"Right now- "Seon-woo stood stunned before a scream was heard accompanied by the startling sound of shattered glass.

"Mom, mom "she yelled as she rushed up the stairs to the gym. "Mom hold on I'm coming" she assured before the line went dead.

"Ms Kim?" one of the girl's asked worried when they saw the terror etched on her face. "Yuna, makes sure everyone goes home, class is cancelled" she said before the oldest student nodded, ushering everyone out. Seon-woo chucked her bag to the corner, whipping out her phone as she sprinted to the café.

She dialled her brother's number, the device pressed against her ear as she panted, her legs pumping faster as her mother's scream rung in her head. Come on, come on, Geon-woo answer dammit.

"Seon-woo" he questioned after a couple of seconds.

"Geon-woo!" she yelled, her chest heaving as she skidded to a stop. A car swerving in front of her.

"Seon-woo?" he asked more concerned as her laboured breathing increased.

"Geon-woo where are you?" she uttered panicked, looking left and right before rushing across the road.

"Seon-woo are you-"

"GEON-WOO! How far are you from the café" she ordered as she turned a sharp corner.

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