𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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 "Lord have mercy!" Seon-woo yelped when Mr Moon suddenly sprang up from around the car, pressing his face against the windshield as they waited outside the shopping centre for the man when he crawled around the back of the car, stealthy.

"You really went all out sir" Woo-jin said as they eyed his face paint, the brown and green military colours smearing every inch and crevice.

"Oh this, I had it lying around, but it itches, I think it's old so let's hurry before my face breaks into pimples" he said as they got out of the car, squatting down out of view.

"Who's this?" he frowned once he saw Da-min crouched next to Seon-woo, armed with her school archery equipment.

" She's Mr Oh's granddaughter" Seon-woo said. "Don't worry she's a good shot" she assured him when his eyes lowered to the bow and arrows, Mr Moon's reluctance ebbed a bit as he turned to them.

"Okay, archer and I'll take the stairs from the parking and go to the top of the building. Marines, you'll charge in through the front gates and Seon-woo you come in from the back. They'll be distracted allowing for you to just-" he said as he mimicked the swinging of a bat.

"Understood" they chorused before splitting.

"Hey Seon-woo" she turned, her bat falling to her side as she glanced at Woo-jin who was rooted in his spot. " Be careful" he said, his nervous gaze holding hers before he pivoted, catching up to Geon-woo who threw her a thumbs up, the pair walking to the entrance.

Seon-woo's lip gently lifted, her eyes glimmering with warmth before she turned around and started sneaking to the back entrance.

 She curled around the wall, careful as to not make sudden movements that would alert the men inside and comprise her position. She glanced over her shoulder, pressed against the wall until she came cross the staff entrance. Muttering silent prayer under her breath, she pressed down on the handle, wincing at the small screech as she squeezed through, signing in relief when it slowly closed behind her.

"Hey" a man said as Seon-woo's eyes widened. She rushed to him, kicking him in the gut, as he grunted, hunching over, her foot crashing to his knee before she wrapped her arm around his neck, the other muffling his mouth as she held him against her until his eyes started fluttering and his boy went limp.

She exhaled shakily, gently letting him go as she made her way to the lobby, her back pressed against the pillar as she leaned over slightly, peaking where she saw Geon-woo and Woo-jin surrounded by a bunch of men armed with bats and other gadgets while Jung and In- Beom stood before them.

"Where is Mr Oh!" Geon-woo bellowed, his voice echoing through the desolate mall.

"Where's the little bitch that's always with you!" Jung yelled back as In-beom looked furious, Woo-jin placed his hand around Geon-woo's wrist, stopping him from attacking Jung as his face twisted in fury, Woo-jin holding back his own anger while Jung smirked knowing he got them riled.

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