𝐱𝐱. 𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Geon-woo and Hyeon- ju, if anything, were not prepared for what they saw when they pulled up to the house.

It was so sudden, so inexplicable it couldn't have been real, especially not to Geon-woo who glanced at the burning buidling with pure vexation.The windows were completely shattered, shards scattered across the lawn making way for gaping holes that were releasing puffs of thick suffocating smoke that pumped into the air, drifting up to the sky. 

Geon-woo was rooted in his spot, frozen, as if he was watching a scene from a movie. It didn't feel real. It couldn't be. They had not been gone for long. he had only just attempted to wake his sister for breakfast and now- wait, his sister.Woo-jin. Mr Choi.

"Geon-woo!" Hyeon- ju yelled and it felt  like ice cold water had been dumped on both of them, pulling Geon-woo from his daze like fevour. "Try the back door" she ordered and he took off with a sprint.

"Woo-jin!" he screamed as he slammed his shoulder into the door, the hinges ripping off as he stumbled, the blistering heat wafted into him. The fire had consumed the house, the flames licking every crivice of the home, smouldering and burning it down to nothig but ashes.  "Seon-woo!" he cried for his sister, lifting his shirt above his nose. Geon-woo could see nothing but just fire in its rawest, dangerous and disastrous form. 

He stumbled to the kitchen, the room over taken in flames before he spotted a limp body near the counter, a silhouette too large to be nothing. It was as if he was on autopilot, rushing forward, eyes watering from the smoke when he spotted the curly hair of his best friend.  "Woo-jin!" he yelled as he dropped to his knees, seeing the torn fabric over his stomach, his chest barely lifting. "Woo-jin" he called in hysterics, grabbing his arm and hoisting it over his shoulder, grunting as Woo-jin slipped. Geon-woo stomached his terror, crying out as he lifted Woo-jin up, stumbling towards the door, in frantic, crushing steps.

"Woo-jin!" he cried as the material had completely dampened, Woo-jin's back was slicked in red, coating both him, Geon-woo and the grass between them in scarlet. Geon-woo pressed his hands to his chest, leaning his ear over his mouth, his eyes screwed shut hoping for even the slightest sound of a breath.

"Come on Woo-jin" he begged, and begged and pleaded as he went still. Geon-woo held his breath, shushing the heavy thumping in his heart until he heard it, or rather felt it. A small wind hit his ear before he heard a name, a faint name but it was enough.

Geon-woo's tears fell as he sprang up, his sister's name breathed out by his best friend before he realised she was still inside. He reluctantly tore himself away from Woo-jin, running back into the burning building.

"SEON-WOO!" he screamed brutally, a sob threating to rip him apart as he stumbled deeper into the house. "Kim Seon-woo" he yelled desperately as he shielded his eyes , they were watering so much, burning harsher than the flames around him.

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