𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞

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"Is this it?" Seon-woo derided as she stood before a large mahogany container. 

"tjbu9004230 " Geon-woo read, his misty fatigued brown eyes jumping from the device to the code fading on the metal. He pocketed his phone, his heart lodged in his throat as he and Woo-jin  gripped the metal bars and tugged it open with a forced grunt.

The early morning sun began to rise over the ocean waters, the three scourging for a while to look for the specific container, checking each serial number until the last digit.  This was their final amendment until they could go home.

"Is it there?" Seon-woo asked, a hope singing her tongue as Geon-woo and Woo-jin rustled through the boxes with anticipation burning their fingertips.

"Whoa" Geon-woo gasped as she peered to Woo-jin who looked equally as floored, the two beaming with matching ecstatic grins. Geon-woo turned around in a flash, a gold bar in each hand for her to see.

"Oh my god we found it" She chortled as the boys clasped their hands together, jumping in each other's arms with relieved and joyous smiles. She quickly dialled Min-beom while the boys continued to dig through the boxes, her grin still plastered on her face.

''Min-beom where are you?" she asked, struggling to contain her happiness.

"I'm almost there" he said before replying eagerly, almost desperately. " Did you find the gold bars?"

"Yes" she chuckled breathlessly, glancing at her boys " We found them all".

"And the phone?" he said in a plea, her smile dropped instantly. Her eyes widened comically as she quickly turned to Geon-woo and Woo-jin who couldn't tear their eyes from the shimmering gold.

"We forgot the phone" she whispered, her hand hovering over the device as she pulled it away from her. Geon-woo and Woo-jin glanced at each with horrified eyes. They had completely forgotten about the phone.

"We'll go get it" Woo-jin chuckled meekly as he and Geon-woo quickly rushed to Myeong-gil's cuffed body and grabbed his phone. The three anticipatingly waited for Min-beom's boat as they leaned over the railing, eyes fixated on the crystal blue waves ahead of them. It felt surreal, like a new beginning. It was something Seon-woo couldn't express. The relief that it was finally over. They had won. 

'' I'd say that's a job well done" Woo-jin said as the siblings chuckled.

"Mr Choi would be proud" Seon-woo muttered, the boys glancing her as she looked at the waves below.

"You think so? "Geon-woo mumbled as she nodded.

'' I think they'd all be" Woo-jin chimed as she smiled softly.

"I think that's him" Geon-woo suddenly exclaimed, pointing to where a yacht had started approaching the ship.

"I'd rather not keep him waiting" Seon-woo said as they made their way off the cargo ship.

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