𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞

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"Stop whining you're a grown ass man" Seon-woo complained as she sat on the table, cotton balls littered in scarlet as they piled beside her.

They had returned to the bookstore to recuperate and assess their injuries. Seon-woo lightly applied some cream to the bruise on her neck and back while her brother looked worse for wear, checking his wounds away from them. But Woo-jin had insisted he was in too much pain to address the cut on his eyebrow and needed her help.

"Ow ow ow,  gentle woman" he hissed as she dabbed the cotton ball against his eyebrow.

"Have you not had worse from boxing" she scoffed, grabbing a plaster as she ripped the package open, removing the two pieces of plastic.

"If you weren't so heavy handed-" he mumbled as she pressed on his wound a little bit harsher, causing him to yelp. Hyeon-ju scoffing softly, a warm glass of tea in hand as she watched the two bicker.

"Do you ever shut up" she grumbled before gently applying the bandage, her eyebrows slightly scrunching as she placed it lightly. A small smile gracing Woo-jin's face as he looked up at her.

"Simp" Hyeon- ju coughed out from behind her mug as Woo-jin turned a sharp glare to her. Seon-woo hopped off the table, Woo-jin's eyes trailing after her as Hyeon- ju leaned over smacking his head, tearing his eyes off the older Kim sibling to the girl.

"Make it less obvious idiot" she chastised, rolling her eyes as Woo-jin rubbed his head lightly.

'' You holding up alright there? "Seon-woo asked as she leaned around the bookshelf, her brother checking his bruises in the mirror. Seon-woo's face twisted in disgust at the red and purple marks decorated across his body.

"You should really do something about that" she said as he shot her look, catching the bruising cream she chucked his way.

His phone started ringing, Seon-woo leaning over, smiling gently at her mother's contact.

"Geon-woo" she heard her mother's voice.

"Is that mom?" Geon-woo asked as she nodded to him.

"Hi mom" Seon-woo greeted bashfully before her smile slipped off her face as her mother's cries filtered through the line.

"Seon-woo" she said shakily.

"Mom what's wrong, what happened. Why are you crying" she said as they all turned to her concerned.

"Someone wants to talk to you guys" she said, trembling slightly before the phone went silent, rustling in the background before someone else's voice took over.

"Where are you guys?".

"Mr Choi" Seon-woo suddenly straightened as Hyeon-ju sighed. The two boys mirroring her startled expression.

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