Hamato Leonardo

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1. Leo (By friends and siblings)

2. Fearless (By Raph)

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant

Sexuality: Leo is straight

Person.Gender_Identity: Hamato Leonardo is a good, honest man.

Kown languages: Japanese and English. When Leo and his brothers were children, their first language had been Japanese. Splinter wanted to teach them English first since they lived in New York and if anything were to happen to him, his sons would have no choice but to try to seek help from the service, but he was still learning how to speak it himself. When they turned 10 however, Donnie began studying the language himself and learned it in no time. He then taught his brothers. Leo honestly did not want to but after Splinter sternly told them that they had to, Leo worked his hardest to perfect his English speaking.

Birthday: September 29th 1997

Hair color: None

Eye color: Royal blue

Age: 15 to 37

Height: 5'1

Weight: 175

Home: New York

Occupation: Headmaster of the Hamato Clan 


Since Leo was a child, he always imagined himself being this great hero like his favorite cartoon character Captain Ryan or his father, Splinter but since the day he and his brothers were finally allowed on the surface, he came to learn there is a lot of cost that comes with being a hero. 

The burden of leadership was heavy on Leo. He loved the job but some days, he forgets why he even wanted to be a leader in the first place, especially after getting nothing but disrespect, teasing from his brothers and a lot of hardships. Being a leader was not as fun as Leo imagined it would be, he had to make tough decisions, and constantly had to face the fear of failing his team, of losing them. 

We all know Leo is fearless but he does have one great fear, and that is making the wrong decision that gets his brothers killed. However, he eventually learns how to deal with it, just like he always did and it became easier when his brothers helped him. 

Before long, Leo eventually accepted that he was never going to be the perfect leader, because no one is perfect and he grows more confident in his skills and when he did that...he got everything he always wished for. 

After he killed Shredder, Leo (and his brothers) were considered the greatest warriors in Japan. The greatest heros. Leo and his brothers' names will be passed down in the ninja histories for centuries, but the brothers try to give all the credit to Leo since he is the one who slayed Shredder. It was tough on Leo, having to kill Shredder, it is a memory that he doubts will ever leave his mind but the after result was worth it. He and his family could finally live in peace, knowing Shredder was no longer around to harm them and ever since his death, everything for the Hamato Family has been looking up. 

However...Leo felt like there was something missing in his training and so, he asked permission from his father if he could take a training journey. It broke Splinter's heart, but he knew that Leonardo needed to do this so he agreed, after some convincing from Miwa. His sister was sad to see him go as well but she understood why he needed to do this, every great leader needed to go off on their own eventually, for Leo it just came sooner. 

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