Hamato Raphael

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1. Raph (Siblings and friends)

2. Raphie (Mikey and Karai)

3. Uncle Raphie (Nieces and nephews)

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant.

Sexuality: Raph is straight. 

Person.Gender_Identity: Raphael is a fiercely loyal and proud man.

Known languages: Japanese was Raph's first language like his brothers and when Donnie started to teach them English, Raph was less than pleased. It took a while for him to learn English and seeing his older and nerdy brother being ahead of him did not help, a lot of tantrums on his part but he eventually got it down.

Birthday: September 29th 1997

Hair color: None

Eye color: Emerald Green

Age: 15 to 37

Height: 5'0

Weight: 180

Home: New York

Occupation: Warrior


Since Raphael can remember he has always had a fiery temper. It could be something so small and Raph would be roaring thunder but, he thinks his temper started to get really out of control when he and his youngest brother was attacked by a human. 

Their father had taken them out of the lair to show them around the sewers, for survival educational purposes. Despite his better judgement, he showed the ladder that led to the manhole cover and went up to grab food for them, with a warning of telling them to stay. Leo and Donnie had obeyed but Raph and Mikey did not. 

Raph had been so mad that his father would not let them up and he was so mad that he did not notice that Mikey wandered off when he was not paying attention. Raph did not tell Leo or Donnie, for if he did, they would probably blame him for not watching out for their youngest brother like he was supposed to. So, Raph went to look for Mikey alone, only to find his brother face to face with a human who had a gun! 

Mikey tried to speak to the human, despite his father's warnings of to never speak to humans if they are ever faced to face with one, for it could scare them and provoked them more, and he had been right for as soon as his brother spoke, the human pulled at the trigger and Raph had ran towards Mikey, pushing his little brother out of the way just as the gun took fire. Luckily, Raph got hit in the back of his shell and Splinter showed up to save them before the human could do anything else. 

Once Raph's injury was taken care of, Splinter asked what happened and Raph tried to lie to protect his younger brother but Mikey told him the truth about how he wandered off. Splinter punished Mikey but he did not punish Raph because he technically did not disobey Splinter's rules, he had just want off to protect his younger brother but still, Raph felt at fault and felt like he deserved to be punished for not watching over Mikey in the first place. For if he had, then that whole situation would have never happened. 

Raph was always angry at humans but ever since that day, he started to hate them but really, Raph was angry at himself and it did not help that he seemed to have an uncontrollable temper that seems to put his brothers in more danger. 

He once broke Leo's arm because he lost his temper so badly, he has destroyed Donnie's inventions, and he has made Mikey cry more than once. Then when they started going on missions, Raph kept losing his temper and causing his brothers to get put in danger. With every failure, every time he sees how much damage he causes, all it does is make his temper worsen. He hated himself for always losing control, hated that he kept endangering his brothers and he hated that he was a burden to his father.

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