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1. Headhunter (Allys and enemies)

2. Kiri (Friends)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Kujikiri is straight

Person.Gender_Identity: Kujikiri is an assassin woman

Known languages: Japanese

Birthday: Unknown

Hair color: Black

Eye color: hazel

Age: 32

Height: 5'7

Weight: 141

Home: Tokyo

Occupation: Headhunter


Kujikiri was one of the best assassins in all of Tokyo. Her brother Go-Komodo was the leader of their business but once he heard of a new empire being build, one that would surely bring his to shame, he ordered Kujikiri to take down this man that went by the name, Oroku Saki...

 So, Kujikiri went undercover in one of the Foot's events. 

There, she met the scared face man and started talking to him. She knew he was a ninja master and  knew it would not be easy to be in a 'relationship' with him but she knew that every man has desire. 

She managed to get Shredder alone and there, she put something in his drink and...one thing led to another. The next morning, Shredder had been surprised to wake up next to her but did not seem very displeased which pleased Kujikiri very much. 

They kept meeting, Kujikiri trying to gain his trust and gain as much information as possible...so that she could easily stab him in the back. 


After a couple weeks of their last meeting, Kujikiri was constantly feeling sick and the worst, came to worst when she found out she was pregnant. This discovery changed and ruined everything. Kujikiri asked permission from her brother to stop in the mission to assassinate Shredder. She was afraid that if he ever found out that she was pregnant with his child, he would kill or take it away from her. 

Thankfully, he understood and said that they would find some other way to kill Shredder. 

Kujikiri gave birth to a beautiful daughter months later and she named her, Pimiko which means, 'Princess.'  For years, Kujikiri successfully kept her daughter safe and hidden from Shredder until one day...Shredder somehow found out. 

Shredder attacked. They fought furiously with Pimiko hiding in her room but in the end...Shredder had won and killed Kujikiri, and she had no choice but to watch as she took her last breaths, to see Shredder take away her daughter as she cried out for her... 


Abilities (No powers):

1. Martial arts

2. Swordsmanship

3. Weapon expert

4. Combat

5. Master tactician

6. Intelligence

Weapon: Sword



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Kujikiri is a slim, fit woman with hazel blue-green eyes and shoulder length black hair. She usually wears a black jumpsuit.

Mental Trauma:



A highly trained and very intelligent young woman. She can be ruthless, deadly, and manipulative but she does have a soft side. 


Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Go-Komodo (Brother) 

Spouse: Oroku Saki (Partner)

Children: Oroku Pimiko (Daughter)


1. Go-Komodo 

2. Kitsune


1. Shredder

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