Hamato Donatello

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1. Donnie (Siblings and friends)

2. Uncle Tello (Nieces and nephews)

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant

Sexuality:  Donatello is straight, he had a crush on April since the first moment he saw her and then married her many years later.

Person.Gender_Identity: Hamato Donatello is a intelligent man

Known languages: Japanses and English. Donnie learned how to speak way before his siblings, his first words, were actually his first sentence. He learned how to speak English before even his father could master the language and he helped him as well as his siblings learn.

Birthday: September 29th 1997

Hair color: None

Eye color: Reddish-brown

Age: 15 to 37

Height: 5'6

Weight: 155

Home: New York

Occupation: Doctor/Scientist 


Donnie will never admit this to anyone but sometimes, he really hated being smart. At a very young age, Donnie noticed immediately that he was different from his brothers. He could never really understand his brothers, especially Mikey. Donnie was all about facts and knowledge, not about mythic beliefs or imagination.

While his brothers were playing with toys and playing house, Donnie was studying or fixing things around the lair. He would not play any games unless forced to by his brothers. Donnie also hated training more than anything else, he did not have a passion or a love for it like his brothers. When he was a child, he would throw constant tantrums because of it which would drive Splinter crazy but after a couple years, Donnie began finding the ninja art interesting and wanted to learn more, though he still did not have much confidences in it since he knows he is not the strongest fighter.

Donnie was used to being the first at everything. Though he was the second youngest, he was the first to talk, walk, learn how to read, write, math, and he even learned a new language at the age of 10 but he was not the first to master in ninjutsu, that honor went to Raphael who had a passion for it from the first moment he stepped in the dojo.

Donnie constantly felt like an outcast and different from his brothers because he was so smart. He could not even enjoy Christmas like they did because he knew that there was no possible way Santa could be real and when he tried to explain it to his brothers, Splinter had stopped him instantly, saying that he did not want him to ruin their wonder and wanted Christmas to be an exciting holiday for them since he, when he was a child, never got to celebrate such holidays himself.

Donnie hated that he constantly had to play along and that his brothers and even his father could not understand him but that was not the only reason he hated being smart.

When you are smart, you understand and learn things quickly and Donnie was the first one of his brothers to learn...that he and his family were outcasts in society. Splinter had told them when they were very young, to be wary of humans because they are dangerous and so was the surface, but he never told them the gravity of their situation.

That they would forever be outcasts in society, that they had no future other than hiding in the sewers as well as the shadows, and that they, were possibly the only mutants in the entire world, leaving them with nobody but each other. They were not like other children, other people, they were just...monsters. If a human ever saw them, they would be killed or worst, sent to a lab to be experimented on. That single thought gave Donnie bad anxiety, and he grew slightly depressed learning that nothing he would do will ever matter because all of it, will never be seen besides in the sewers. He was only eight years old...

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