Oroku Miyoko

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1. Dark Witch (By enemies)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Miyoko is lesbian. Before she married Keiji she used to be in relationship with Atsuko but it ended when Atsuko refused to marry Nagi.

Person.Gender_Identity: Miyoko is a manipulative, blood thirsty woman

Known languages: Japanese

Birthday: Unknown

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Age: 40s

Height: 5'0

Weight: 150

Home: Tokyo

Occupation: Headmistress of the Foot Clan (Previously)


Miyoko was raised to always be loyal and faithful to the Foot Clan, like her mother before her. Her mother, Chikara, was very harsh and trained Miyoko in the Dark arts, much like Musouka and Kitsune. Miyoko's mother was the one responsible for the Foot Clan being born. She used to be friends with Musouka, but she somehow found her way in the Foot and offered her undying loyalty to them.

However, Miyoko wanted to be more than a lousy servant for the Foot, so she did what she could to get close to the Oroku family. She quickly earned respect and trust from Maji and became friends with Keiji but Nagi...never liked her, which was perfectly fine with her, he was not the one who would help her with her goals anyway.

Miyoko made sure to act understanding and kind to Keiji. She helped him anyway she could but without his knowledge, she was using him. Miyoko never loved him, she just wanted power but she did love Atsuko...in her own little sick way.

She wanted the relationship to last but knowing she needed to wed Keiji would probably make things difficult so she tried to convince Atsuko to marry his brother but Atsuko refused and needless to say...Miyoko did not take the rejection well.

When Miyoko found out, Atsuko's secret meetings with Yuuta, she was furious. She would not let anyone get in the way and that is why she went out to try to kill him but Nagi, the fool, messed it all up! Still, Miyoko made it work by telling Keiji that Yuuta attacked them with Atsuko's help. Seeing this as a betrayal, Maji ordered Keiji to kill her but Miyoko talked them out of killing Atsuko, putting the blame on her father and pointing out that she was still useful to them.

She was stronger than Keiji and Nagi, so killing her would be a waste and Nagi did need a bride. Maji agreed with her and ordered his sons to kill Toshiro instead and to imprison Atsuko. Miyoko was pleased, however, Atsuko did not break. She still refused to marry Nagi and refused to even speak to them.

Then...she escaped.

When Maji died, Miyoko used Keiji's grief to her advantage and confessed her love for him. They got married soon afterwords, much to her mother's disapproval. She said that they were not meant to be part of the family, they were only to help and protect the Foot, nothing more.

Miyoko killed her mother without a second thought, seeing her as a threat to her happiness and she would not let anyone ruin it. Miyoko soon had a child who she adored and could not wait to see him grow to be just like his grandfather and father but that got taken away by Hamato Yuuta.

When Miyoko saw Keiji died, she cried for him and tried to avenge him but she herself, was too injured and she bled to death. She tried to cheat death but, in the end, could not, so she died, saying her last words to her son as her spirit left the world, but she swore revenge...


Abilities (No powers):


2. Magic

3. Crafty

4. Intelligent

5. Cunning

6. Manipulative

7. Merciless fighter

Weapon: None



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Miyoko is a slim woman with long black hair she wore in a high ponytail with separate braids attached to it, pale-skin, and black eyes. She wears a black kimono.

Physical Quirks

Can turn into a crow

Mental Trauma:



Miyoko is a cold, intense, and ambitious woman. she  is a menace to those around her and will go to any length to get what she wants.

Hobbies: None.


Parents: Shisho Chikara (Mother)

Spouse: Oroku Keiji (Husband)

Children: Oroku Saki (Son)

In-laws: Oroku Keiji (Father-in-law) Oroku Nagi (Brother-in-law)

Grandchildren: Hamato Miwa (Adopted Disowned Granddaughter) Oroku Pimiko (Disowned Granddaughter)


1. Oroku Keiji


1. Hamato Atsuko

2. Hamato Yuuta

3. Hamato Yoshi

4. Hamato Miwa

5. Oroku Pimiko

6. Musouka

7. Kitsune

8. Shinigami

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