Oroku Pimiko

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Lots of things to say about this character!


1. Koko (By Hiroto)

2. Miko (By Miwa and friends)

3. Murderess (Foot and Friends)

Gender: Female

Species: Born human but became a mutant

Sexuality: Pimiko is straight

Person.Gender_Identity: Pimiko is violent and scary woman.

Known languages: Japanese and English

Birthday: November 9th 1998

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Black

Age: 14 to 36

Height: 5'7

Weight: 141

Home: Tokyo

Occupation: Second in command of the Foot Clan


Being the daughter of a cold-blooded genocide assassin and a psychopath was not easy on Pimiko. Despite her mother being an assassin, Pimiko had loved her very much, only for her father to take her away.

When Shredder found out of her existence, he immediately took action because she was his blood and she belonged to him, not because she was his daughter. Plus, with Karai not being his blood, he wanted to see if she had the potential to lead the clan after him but Pimiko...was a failure in his eyes.

Shredder was less than interested, just like he was with Karai. After all, both of them were here for a reason or a purpose, not because he loved them. By the time Pimiko became part of the Foot, life was not easy for her. Her father was very harsh with her in the beginning, yelling at her for crying and for not being as strong as Karai. Pimiko never felt safe in her whole life but now, she fears for her life. Her father was crazy and though, Pimiko loved her mother, she never felt safe around her, watching her kill so many people was terrifying and knowing that she was only doing it to survive, did not make it any easier like she thought it would.

The only person Pimiko felt safe around, was her big sister Karai. Karai was mean to her in the beginning but overtime, she started to get used to and allow Pimiko to bunk with her when she was scared. Karai was different. She was not like their father or anyone else in the Foot, she had mercy and...compassion. The qualities Shredder found as weakness. However, everyone in the Foot hated Karai but Pimiko did not understand why until, she began to notice that Karai...was their father's favorite.

Upon this realization Pimiko started to grow jealous of Karai and hated her because every time their father put them against each other, Karai always won and she would just stand there and watch as their father punished her. Despite Pimiko being a good fighter, she was still second to Karai which for some reason seemed to enrage their father. She thought that he would eventually find her useless and kill her, but that is until Shredder found that Pimiko had something that Karai does not.

The instinct to kill...

It was a test. He had forced her to kill one of his traitors and though hesitant, Pimiko did it without question. It was frightening to see the light of life leave someone's eyes but Shredder had been very proud.

After that day, things began to change and he allowed her to train in the same class as Karai, feeling like she no longer needed private lessons. Despite her age, Shredder and Tatsu trained her like the grown men in her class. If she got beaten or broken a bone, she was not allowed to cry or refuse to train. Shredder kept insisting that he was doing it because he loved her, because he wanted to get rid of her weakness and make her strong...Pimiko wanted that too. Her whole life she has been afraid and powerless, but now she was being given the chance to be more than that, so she listened to Shredder and worked hard to achieve his expectations.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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