Hamato Akemi

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Human version of Akemi in the turtles's dimension



Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Akemi is straight. When she was a teenager, she fell in love with her eldest brother's best friend, Miyamoto Usagi. 

Person.Gender_Identity: Hamato Akemi is a strong woman.

Kown languages: Japanese

Birthday: April 1st 1969

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Greenish-golden

Age: 43

Height: 6'2

Weight: 140

Home: Tokyo

Occupation: Kunoichi


Akemi's life did not start out easy. When she was only a baby, her birth parents abandon her at an orphaned, where she was abused or neglected. However, when he was 4, she and her only friend escaped the terrible place, leading them to get captured and imprisoned by the Yakuza. They were set up to be sold but someone foolishly forgot to lock their cells and they used their chance to run away.

However, the Yakuza quickly went after them. Akemi got separated from her friend and she was once again captured but thankfully, she was saved, by Yoshi and Saki who took her straight to their home.

After cleaning her up and feeding her, Atsuko and Yuuta were unsure of what to do with her. They decided to keep her for now until they found another home. However, weeks passed and seeing Akemi getting along with the other clan members and how well respected she was, Atsuko and Yuuta grew attached. Even though they decided to not have any more kids, they just could not bear to part with her and so, they adopted her.

Akemi got along great with Yoshi and Yukio, and once she got more comfortable she started addressing them as her brothers and Yuuta and Atsuko as her parents but she had a hard time getting along with Saki. Saki had trouble accepting Akemi, especially since she had become very close with Yuuta. Akemi always felt like there was something off about Saki, she could not place what but she knew it was something she did not like.

Akemi worked and trained hard to prove herself in the clan, and earn her place in the Hamato family. She never disappointed Yuuta, he was always so proud of her, much to Yoshi and Saki's annoyance. Yoshi never blamed her for it though, it caused a little conflict in their relationship in the beginning but after getting to know her, he let it go while Saki never did. Yukio was born soon after Akemi was adopted so they have always been close. Akemi is the one who always took care of Yukio while Yuuta was too busy focusing on Saki and Atsuko was too busy worrying about Yoshi to give him much attention.

As for her mother...Akemi always loved Atsuko, but she always thought her mother did not understand her. She always comments on how too grown up and serious Akemi acts for her age, worrying about her not being a kid and having fun. They were different while she and Yuuta were exactly alike, which is why she mostly stayed by her father's side. However, after her mother died she soon learned how alike the two actually were.

Years went by and It was not long before Akemi became a trusted kunoichi of the Hamato Clan, but she did not have any friends. Most thought Akemi was too serious and reprimanding, but things changed when Shen became part of the clan. Shen was training in healing under Gyoji but she refused to train in ninjutsu because of her mother's wishes. Akemi had the most respect for Shen. She was just so kind and always willing to help anyone which is why she grew kind of protective over her.

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