🦋𝐿𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒🦋

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Once upon a time in a faraway land, past the borders of Belgium and Monaco along the Mediterranean Sea, there was a tiny kingdom, peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Here, in a stately chateau lived a beautiful young girl named Ella. And she always saw the world not as it is, but perhaps for what it could be as anything was possible with only a little bit of magic. Ella had two very loving parents, Richard, and Lady Tremaine. And oh, how they loved each other so very much. They resided in their family home which had had many generations long before them, as their farm manor had been passed down from one family to the next. Richard was a kind, noble, and hardworking man. He had hickory-coloured eyes and almost always had a persistent joyful smile, his wife was just as joyful as one could be, and she was much alike her husband. She was a fair woman with clear warm-ivory skin, and Richard however had a creamy-beige complexion. His wife had more of an amber eye colour and consequently, this led to Ella having a beautiful mixture of hickory-umber-coloured eyes with a warm-ivory skin complexion. Both her parents were fairly similar in height but if one were to find any interest and spare effort to look at their stature measurements attentively, Richard could then be seen as negligibly taller.

Ella's father was a merchant who often stayed away from home since he had to live abroad and travel great distances far and wide which led his absence to be quite a bit orderly, this could have been many months at most. But when he had returned home he brought trades from all of his daughter's subject lands. Ella's mother however was a housewife who enjoyed her time at home as she was able to teach her young daughter how to go about things, and she was able to watch the love of her life grow every single day before her eyes. Ella missed her father terribly when he was away, she would spend every possible second saying her goodbyes when he began his routine departure, and she'd spend many hours sitting in front of the grand clock watching the pendulum sway from side to side, counting down every minute and every second as she just patiently waited for her father to come home.

Although Ella may have been an only child she was not alone since she had the littlest of friends, well her friends were very little. She had befriended all the animals of her home, from the smallest of mice to the largest of horses and this also included all the birds of the air and every beast of the field. For the mice, there was greedy Gus Gus, Tilda, Teddy, and Jacqueline. Of course, Mr. Lizards were brothers, and Mr. Goose, along with the two little blue birds who accompanied Ella time and time again in the early mornings and relatively late hours of midday. They both flew toward her room window every morning, landed on the nearby branch, and woke her up every day with their beautiful chirped morning song. Since her mother believed that all animals spoke to us only if we had the ear for it, this made Ella take after her by default, as her mother believed so, Ella did too. Their farmhouse had many other animals, such as geese, cows, chickens, and more. She knew that in her heart her animal friends could understand her and so she treated them with all the kindness and love in her heart. To Ella, this was the whole world, and it seemed to her that the whole world was a very fine place, full of family and friends, animals and birds, all of whom were her very dear companions and love and goodness, and most of all magic...

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