🦋𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐺𝑜🦋

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Fairy Godmother had told Ella that she really had to be going now to take her long-awaited leave, for she shall go to the prince's ball...Ella had raised the question to her Fairy Godmother for what of her stepmother and stepsisters for she could not imagine just what they might do if they had caught her leaving their home against their mean unfair wishes, Fairy Godmother answered that she needn't worry about them at all for she'd make sure that they don't recognize her in the very slightest, as she'd make it that only her friend should recognise her but regardless one could never shield the view of a loving heart. She then tapped her wand gently on Ella's forehead casting some concealment spell which emitted shimmering specks of particles one could perhaps call "stardust" which fell all over Ella's body. "Now, off you go..." Fairy Godmother said before she and Mr Lizard helped Ella get inside the carriage along with the seams of her large dress. Mr Lizard went rambling on about how lovely the colour was and its immense size too, "Do stop wittering on Mr Lizard!" She told him, and as soon as Ella was seated comfortably inside the both of them closed the carriage doors from the outside and as they did Ella could not help but stare in awe at all the many details of the carriage's splendid interior.

Fairy Godmother was about to leave and walk on but luckily she remembered something of great importance that Ella had to know quite urgently, she gasped out of shock loudly and immediately ran back before Mr Goose had taken off, she shouted to Ella to get her utmost attentive attention. "Ella! I almost forgot. Remember this...the magic will only last so long...with the last echo of the last bell, at the last stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken and all will return to what it was once before..." she conveyed with a very worrying-shaken voice while staring at Ella through the carriage window. Ella adhered to it as soon as the words were uttered to her, she smiled saying that it was simply more than enough time as it was more than what she could ever ask for. Ella kindly thanked Fairy Godmother for everything she had done for her that night as it was heartfelt to her so dearly, and it would never be forgotten. "Off you go then, Goosy go!" Fairy Godmother said before waving her wand one last time to lightly propel the carriage further to sort of signal the horses that they had to begin trotting toward the palace walls. As Fairy Godmother and Ella waved goodbye to each other, they both watched as the distance between them continued to grow larger and larger apart until the carriage could no longer be seen by them.

And off Ella went, she was now on her way to the palace to see her dear friend Kit once again...while Ella continued to make her journey Fairy Godmother had now made a departure of her own, she slowly turned toward the opposite direction and neared the fountain, she started fluttering her tiny periwinkle wings and began her ascend to the dark lit sky above and soon she had transformed into an embodiment of pure light, as this happened she then travelled in one quick motion, projected herself upward and found her space among the beautiful shining stars of the sparkling night so that she may watch over those carrying kindness and love in their hearts, and most of all her eyes remained focused on Ella as nobody else had her goodness and kind spirit...

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