🦋𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡🦋

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All was just as it should be, they knew themselves to be the happiest family to live as they did and to love each other so. One day as the sun had set Ella along with her family had carried out their evening routine such as tidying up, cleaning their teeth, ensuring that all entrance doors were locked and of course, changing into their nightwear. but there was just one more thing to do and that was to see their daughter sound asleep. Just as Ella had returned to her room from the bathroom her mother waited right next to her bed, as her daughter entered the space she pulled the bedsheets outward, and Ella came in and laid comfortably. Her mother tucked her away into her warm bed, and she laid with her white soft teddy bear in her arms, along with the candle lamp next to her bed projecting the shadows of birds flying through the candlelight around the walls of her room. While her mother sang her daughter her most treasured lullaby, Ella slowly drifted away, closed her eyes and was ready to sleep for the night. But sorrow may come to any kingdom no matter how joyful the rulers may be and so this kingdom had fallen under the attack of it and so did Ella's home. As soon as Lady Tremaine had left her daughter's bedroom and closed the door behind her, she walked alongside Richard and could not keep up with his wonted pace. As this happened, Richard subconsciously noticed that his wife was not visible in the corner of his vision and as he mindfully took note he instantly turned his head back. They quickly shared a moment of eye contact, for Lady Tremaine it was one out of fear and for her husband, it was one out of question. Her legs could no longer carry her and so she trembled heavily, thankfully Richard had caught her in his arms before she could have been injured in some other way. They both sat on the floor and looked at one another with tears soon filling their eyes, "Oh my dear, what has happened?" Richard said but his wife expressed that she hadn't the slightest idea at all, "My darling, for now, do rest. I'm to pick you up gently to have you carried to the bedroom downstairs. And tomorrow I shall request a doctor for the morning first thing," he added on before lifting her with a delicate hand.

The following day, while the family was unaware of what had happened a doctor was called in and as soon as he walked through the house doors he rushed to the room Lady Tremaine was now situated in, to near her all he would have had to do was to walk through the corridor to begin his line of work, he further evaluated her and in time he concluded with a final diagnosis. During this time Ella sat in the chair outside her mother's room and waited and waited, she stared at the analogue clock hanging above the opposing side of the room and continuously leered at the minute hand for what seemed like an eternity. She was not sure what to expect or what was to come next, but she knew that in no time she would hear news soon, so all she had to do was remain tranquil. As the doctor left the room he urgently conversed with Richard sharing the details of his wife's health which was declining quite briskly, he mentioned that she would require further treatment in his clinic was was stationed quite a distance away. They exchanged looks with all the house staff before all their eyes went in Ella's direction as even though the house staff had not born much knowledge of the matter but just by the alleviated vicinity they could assemble the doctor's conclusion. After the news was conveyed to Richard, he reached out his hand to his daughter and took her in to see her ill mother. Lady Tremaine sat in her chair with a devastating frown on her face, along with her profile leaning devastatingly on her left hand. She was paired with a pumpkin orange blanket on her lap to keep her warm as well, soon just before the doctor left the room Ella and her father entered the space, and many feelings of concern and worry soon filled the atmosphere. "Ella, my darling I want to tell you a secret....a great secret. One that would see you through all the trials life can offer. Have courage and be kind, know that where there is courage and kindness there will always be goodness in its path, and where there is goodness there is magic..." the mother said in a trembling voice, she told her daughter to promise her that she would always stay true to this and remain the pure person that she was inside and out. She knew that her daughter possessed more kindness in her little finger than some did in their entire body, and she believed that it had tremendous power and that it was paired with the aid of magic, so she told her daughter. Ella was not sure what it all meant at that moment and she certainly did not know that this was going to be her mother's passing wish, she stood still and showed a face of gloom to the ground. Regardless she vowed to keep her mother's promise for as long as she'd live no matter what would happen, and as she did so her father couldn't help but shed a tear. Richard and Lady Tremaine exchanged looks and this indicated that it was soon time for her to say her last goodbyes to her family as this would be their final moment spent together.

"I must go very soon my love, please forgive me," Lady Tremaine told her daughter, "Of course I forgive you." Ella responded with tears in her eyes before she began leaning in to embrace her mother with great sorrow, Richard soon followed in his daughter's path, "I love you...I love you so very much my darling..." Ella's mother repeated while weeping with her family's embrace. And at this moment they continuously wept for this was too much sorrow for a family to carry in their hearts and too many tears shed for they all could water a field of wilting lavender...

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