🦋𝐽𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑟è𝑠 𝐽𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠🦋

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Ella quickly dug up her shoe and held it firmly in her right hand, she stood up and grasped it with a secure hand. Once she had gotten hold of it, she became excited while making her toward the neighbouring corridor to get to the isolated room so that she may find her way up the stairs and finally to her room in the drafty attic. As she entered the space she hurryingly but still carefully ascended them, with each swift step on the walnut boards a creaking sound was produced, before she knew it she was at her room entrance, she opened the room door and hurried to the nonconcentric space of her room, kneeled toward the loose floorboards and took some of the planks out to reveal her secret collection of memories. She was greeted by her mice friends who had beat her there, she greeted them kindly with a smile and placed the wooden planks next to her on the floor, she picked up her glass shoe and ever so slightly placed it in the little space left in the box next to all of her other sentimental trinkets such as the small green box her father gave her many years ago, a photo frame of her mother, her mothers ring and many more. She looked to Teddy, Tilda, Gus Gus and Jacqueline and spoke to them heartfully, "Thank you for your help, it really was like a dream...better than a dream..." After this was uttered she quickly had a lovely thought which filled her with great excitement, she got up from the floor and walked speedily towards one of the trunks beside her bed, she opened it and excitedly took out her journal before making her way to her bed. She grabbed a pencil from the drawer next to her toward her right and she was all set. Ella couldn't wait to write down all that had happened so that she might remember every single bit of it. Just as if she were telling her mother and father about the palace ball...and her time with the prince, but above all, the prince...Ella had spent hours upon hours writing about her adventure to the palace and back home, from the very tiniest of details to the largest particulars which played a part in the extravagant ambience of the night, and soon before she knew it she had written to her heart's content as she expressed it through twelve pages in total. This concluded her special night and so she got out of bed and placed her book back into the trunk, covered the box back up with the wooden planks and turned off her oil lamp. She then readied herself for bed, tucked herself in, told her friends to have sweet dreams with a good rest and in no time Ella drifted away in the warmth of this night

Soon the sun slowly rose from the east and lit the world below it marking the start of a new day. Just as much as Ella had milestones to remember just as the rest of the kingdom did, Kit too had his very own as well...it was his father, unfortunately not everything may last and within correlation to Kit's favour the unfavourable outcomes were present this day. The Royal Doctor had come to visit once more as he was scheduled to do his daily diagnosis for the king but today it was beyond his assistance as there was nothing more he could do, as he lowered his stethoscope from the king's chest he quietly asked that one of the servants in the room urgently request that Kit comes to his father. As one of the servants in the room left the space to the prince's room he told him that his father was not looking well nor was the state of his body too. He instantly ran out the door and came to the company of the king but as he neared the space he slowly lowered the pace of his steps as he could see from where he stood in the passageway that his father had laid quite still, as if he lost his essence of merely just being. He found the strength to gather himself, so he entered the area and neared his ill father.

While Kit stood at the right side of the bed his eyes began to tear up instantly, "Oh, you've come...good." The king said, as he quietly spoke the other people in the room made their way out to give them both some privacy, "Father, don't go..." Kit quietly responded in a shaken voice as he neared even more toward him, he held his hand while seating himself on the bed. "I must depart, know that you needn't be alone..." The king said, "Take a bride...The Princess Chelina-" As these words were stated Kit's father could see that his son had made up his mind, and the glossiness in his eyes had said more than enough. "What if I commanded you...to do so?" He added, as Kit's father said this bit his tears streamed down his face as he remembered the mysterious maiden's words, along with this being bared with his father's terminal illness. "I love and respect you, but I will not-" Kit firmly said, but he was still respectful as this was the only thing he wished for. "I believe that we need not look outside of our borders...for strength...and for guidance. What we need is right before us. And we need only have courage and be kind to see it..." Kit heartily added. "Just so...you've become your own man...good...and perhaps in the little time left to me...I can become the father you deserve..." The king responded under his breath, as each second which brought minutes he found it harder and harder to speak. At this moment both of them could not stop their tears from falling down their face, drop by drop they fell and disappeared into the bedsheets, the king added on saying that Kit should not marry for advantage... but instead he must marry for love... "Find that girl, find her. The one they're all talking about, the forgetful one-" "Who loses her shoes..." They both said together as they finished each other's sentence, they quietly laughed but soon they returned to what they felt before. "Thank you, Father..." Kit said quietly as he was forever grateful that he and his father had come to a mutual agreement one last time. His father assured him that he should be the one thanking him instead, they both said just how much they loved each other for they did not know when they would be granted another opportunity. While Kit quietly told his father he loved him, he continued to weep heavily and he slowly went into bed for the time being, he spent the night lying next to his father but as one would expect no matter how Kit or just about anyone could try he could not manage to sleep at all through this sorrowful night. The King put his hand over Kit's back and laid in with him peacefully, he unconsciously just felt the need to rest his eyes as he felt very feeble...it was just as many said in the past, but in a path one door may halt the way that was once there before, but another one would become present and unravel what was once seemed out of reach.

The people of the kingdom along with all its additional guests would forever cherish the time of their beloved caring king. All the royal visitors stayed a short time longer, only temporarily as they paid their respects but soon it was time to return home, so they left the dock on their ships while they did they wore the king's colours on their sails of the bright blue, and pure white pattern. They all wished nothing but the best to Kit and if he ever felt as if he needed them to return he is to not hesitate to send letters so that they may communicate.

Once the time for mourning had passed, a proclamation was sent out...

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