🦋𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠🦋

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A month had passed by and many people continued to keep their dear beloved late king in their hearts as his belated reign truly endured. One day Ella and both her stepsisters arrived at the town as they needed to purchase some prerequisite items for their home essentials such as fruit and vegetables that they were not growing at this time of year, some flowers to cheer up the house, cheeses, three sticks of butter, a set of cloth, a variety of nuts, a medium-sized bag of flour and oatmeal, and some herbs as well or just about whatever they felt they required for the upcoming weeks. Drizella and Anastasia were looking around attentively as they were on the lookout for some attractive ornaments of all sorts. The entire kingdom received the proclamation of their late king days prior, they figured that since they were to be requested to be present in town that day as stated in the announcement they best make use of their time to make the necessary purchases while waiting for the royal messenger and the rest of the court to carry through the news of great urgency. Very soon just after Ella and her stepsisters left the shop corner selling produce since they had just purchased some fresh apples, pears, citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and potatoes four people came into the sight of the villagers, they were dressed in the royal court's colours and they held a few elongated scrolls in each of their hands. One of them came forward, took one out of the stack from which his compliance held and so he unravelled it. The man who seemed to be in charge of delivering this report stepped ahead to make himself known while clearing his throat as if it were waterless and so he shouted; "Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!" The messenger spoke at the top of his voice, he cleared his throat once more while looking around with a faint smile as this was indeed quite the notice which he knew would raise conversation as soon as it was transmitted, so he continued..."Know that our new king hereby declares his love for-" Before he could finish his sentence, the townspeople started gasping and speaking simultaneously to one another as this was unexpected, who might this beloved girl be, and was it perhaps one they had all thought of in particular? They were all just about to find out..."For!...the mysterious princess, as wore glass slippers to the ball! And requests that she present herself at the palace. Whereupon...if she be willing...he will forthwith! Marry her! With all due ceremony!" As the royal messenger delivered his last few words of the urgent news, all the townspeople could not hold in their excitement for their king and for the mysterious maiden who had caught his heart's heed of devotion. As Ella stood beside both her stepsisters she turned around in awe slowly as this was so out of the blue and it was a chance for her to reveal herself to Kit after all this time, she told Anastasia and Drizella that she'd be returning home on horseback without them whereas they may just take the buggy that they had all arrived on instead and they thought nothing of it. She quickly rushed down the stairs and to the miniature stable to her horse, greeted him kindly and directed her outwards so that they may depart from the town's borders to near their home. As her horse exited the stable Ella was seated effortlessly and she lightly tugged on the horse's mane, she was beyond excited as her heart was jumping with joy and her head had been filled with all the happiest of thoughts under the sun. 'What might I say? What might he say?' These were the questions that had been circulating Ella's head for the entire journey back home. She finally accepted that it was perhaps time to embrace this new potential chapter in her life as it did not matter at all that Kit was the king or a person of royalty, but in fact that he had treated her kindly and spoke to her as if she was his heart's duet regardless of the person her family had made her out to be, perhaps for a slight moment in passed she believed them...

Ella's horse trotted through the town, and soon made her way with her to the meadows he stepped on many dandelions, lilies, red poppies, daffodils, french lavender, and more. She had the happiest of smiles pasted on her face throughout the short voyage, she entered the birch wood forest borders and followed the stone path and before she knew it she had left the forest edge and could see her house borders close by, she lightly pulled once more on her horse's mane and directed her toward the garden. Once they arrived Ella quickly got back down and thanked her for all of the help before she ran toward the house entrance and made her way to the attic's flight of stairs. She hurried up as soon as she could so that she could get to her memory box and retrieve her glass slipper. However, there was just one problem...as Ella reached her room door, she realised that the door was open and she was certain she left it closed, regardless she entered her room with a sort of more cautious nature. She quickly rushed over to the loose wooden planks to reveal the hidden compartment containing her diary, familial photos, the butterfly craft her father had given her years ago and of course her slipper, so she thought. As she took the planks off the floor she noticed something quite odd, it appeared to be that her belongings had been browsed by someone else and quite evidently so. The butterfly her father had given her had been completely torn apart and the box had been destroyed, Ella gasped and her heart sank to her stomach because nobody else knew of this compartment besides herself and her friends but they couldn't have been responsible. She took the entire box out and placed it on the floor, picked up the broken petals and looked to her left because perhaps she might have misplaced it some time ago but that as well could not have been possible. The room was dim and quiet but soon a familiar voice soon broke the silence..."Are you looking for this? There must be quite a story to go with it." Ella followed the sound of the voice and it had come from the dark opposite side of the room, she looked at the figure and quickly recognised the person who had been sitting in the centre of the backspace of her room, it was none other than her stepmother, she had been seated on the chaise sofa for the entire time watching Ella search for something in particular...the glass slipper, which was now in her hand. Ella's heart quickly began to race and she felt her body become weak. "Won't you tell me?" Her stepmother said, but Ella was still at a loss for words and she could not bring herself to speak at this time. 'What might she do to me? And what will she do with the slipper?' Ella thought to herself, she slowly neared her stepmother and stayed silent. "No? Alright then...I shall tell you a story, once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl, who married for love, and she had two loving daughters...all was well. But, one day her husband the light of her life died, and the next time she married for the sake of her daughters. But that man too was taken away from her. And she was doomed to look every day upon his beloved child. She had hoped to marry off one of her beautiful stupid daughters to the prince...but his head was turned by a girl with glass slippers. And so...I lived unhappily ever after. My story would appear to be ended." As Ella's stepmother told her the tragic story of her upcoming and supposed end Ella could not help but feel even more frightened and anxious as it was uttered with such deviousness and anger. She became much more nervous and could not hold the tears from falling down her face.

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