🦋𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒🦋

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Soon after Kit and Ella returned back to their homes, they both internally had a gleaming smile upon being worn by their beating hearts. Just as he had returned to the palace after his session of hunting with the royal party, he couldn't wait to share the news with his father the king, as he truly believed that this maiden was the one, how there was so much he did not know about her but it did not matter to him as he knew enough in the sense by merely taking note of her kind and genuine words which she shared with him earlier that day, her words had crossed his mind constantly "Have courage...and be kind." As the people who dwell in the palace know, the king could not wait to witness the day his son becomes wed to a princess and he always hoped that his health would not deprive him of seeing this moment one day...

The palace had countless guards placed around every corner of the estate, inside and outside its grand walls, the guard's attire consisted of prussian blue and golden yellow accents. Not all the guards shared the same uniform as some had a streak of blue on their uniform running from the top of their helmets to their legs on the one side, and then on the other side of their uniform, they had a streak of yellow, some of them had an alternate variant of this livery where the colours had been inverted with one another. The palace was significant in size and was built with beautiful extravagant exteriors of limestone, sandstone, and granite as well during moist days throughout the year as the sun shone strongly on the palace during days of clarity, it would have appeared that it was constructed and adorned with only gold and marble material as it gleamed brightly in the bright rays of sunlight, it truly was a beauteous configuration no doubt and it was all paired with the luscious green gardens surrounding the fountain and palace grounds. Just after Kit had returned his horse to the stables, he made his way through the main palace doors which then took him toward the grand corridors to his father's bedroom, he speedily walked to it as it entered his line of vision, Kit was quite excited to share his thoughts with his father. As he walked onward the echoes from his steps soon stopped because he had just reached the bedroom doors, he opened the left one, walked in and saw his father seated on one of the zenith-blue Chippendale divan sofas while in the process of getting medically examined by the doctor present. As he neared his father they both began to converse about how their day had been thus far, after a short while Kit had brought up the mysterious maiden he had come to meet in the nearby forest and while they spoke about it his father was concurrently getting diagnosed by the royal doctor as he was quite ill himself but he remained completely focused on his son's words nevertheless. "You sound as if you're the first fellow ever to meet a pretty girl," said the king as his son mentioned her. Kit went on to say that she wasn't just a pretty girl as there was so much more to her than the way she physically appealed to him or rather to just about anyone else who met her company, "How much more? You've only met her once, how could you know anything about her?" Stated the king, Kit in response brought up his late mother in their discussion saying that it was the very same instance as his father since he had experienced the same situation when meeting Kit's late mother long ago, he expressed that the very same way his father knew that his mother was his heart's duet when he had encountered her, Kit felt he did too. However, the king responded by saying that it was not the same at all and rather quite different since Kit's mother had been a princess and if situated otherwise, it wouldn't have been appropriate at all, "You would have loved her anyway," Kit responded, the king said he wouldn't have been able to see her if she wasn't a person of royalty regardless. "And my father would have told me what I am telling you...and I would have listened." Said the king. "No, you wouldn't," Kit said with a slight smile on his face, "Yes, I would,", "No, you wouldn't,", "I would..." They both said repeatedly to one another until the king finally admitted that he would have done otherwise like what Kit had done at present.

After this, the doctor soon lowered his stethoscope after the king and his son had concluded their discussion, which meant he had finished his diagnosis and come to a culmination from his findings. He, unfortunately, did not have much to say as he rather came to give a blank stare to both Kit and the king, before Kit had asked how his father was, the royal doctor had thought carefully about how he would choose his next words before revealing the details of his father's health evaluation. "Your majesty...never mind," the doctor said as he could not bring himself to convey the news. The king figured that if it took that long for him to say it, it could have only meant one thing...that the king's time was soon to run out in the near foreseeable future as his health had now been declared to have diminished to an incurable state. Kit was devastated and did not know what to do, all he could do was call out to his father with a trembling voice. In light of the situation, his father responded by saying "It was just the way of the flesh." Aside from that they would have been late as they were scheduled to gather someplace else, "Punctuality is the politeness of princes," the king added, while lightly patting Kit's left chick. Kit then stood up and brought his father's coat from the nearby dresser and assisted him in putting it on. The king then looked at Kit and assured him that it would be just fine and that he need not worry about him at all. Meanwhile, the Grand Duke and Captain had both assembled outside the king's bedroom and waited for the both of them patiently, as soon as Kit and his father exited the space the both of them followed behind but still remained alongside them, and off they all proceeded to get a portrait painted for the prince as it needed to be sent abroad to attract a suitable bride for his royal Highness. As they left the area the Grand Duke spoke and stated that he was sure the king had spoken about his son's behaviour earlier in the forest that day as he thought that he was entitled to every bit of his royal Highness's business. He had complained that it would not have sufficed to have let the stag go freely and Kit responded by saying what Ella had told him, "Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done, or something like that..." either way they had all continued to make their way to the other end of the palace as they needed to be in the portrait room quite soon as it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

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