🦋𝐿𝑒 𝐷é𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡🦋

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It was now the day of Richard's departure. He had gotten ready like he always did in his previous ventures and so he packed accordingly along with readying his buggy which had been drawn by two brown horses. He was accompanied by his colleague Farmer John as well, they had been work colleagues for the longest time and were the very best of friends.

As much as Ella dreaded saying bye to her father again she knew that he would come back soon before she realised, and that he always did. The rest of her family however clearly didn't bear much concern with the man of the household leaving or at least it was not as evenly matched with that of Ella's distress. Soon momentarily Richard had exited his bedroom and made his way down the flight of stairs along with all of his belongings and necessities, he then made his way out the house doors and onto the buggy where his friend had waited, and in Richard went with one foot after the other. Farmer John readied the horses and lightly waved the reins so that the horses may begin walking and so they trotted. The buggy made its way out around the fountain towards the garden exit, Ella didn't spare any efforts to hold her father's hand as his vehicle continued to progress towards the main road and make its final departure. While Ella was doing so and chasing after its path, Anastasia and Drizella shouted saying that their father must not forget to bring their lace and parasols from abroad, and while the both of them were doing so Lady Tremaine stood alongside her daughters waving a handkerchief in her right hand to bid her husband adieu. Shortly after Richard had left the house borders, Ella had to let go of his hand and for the time remaining, she stood right by her home. Richard and his friend, along with their horses continued to make their way down the road. Ella said her last goodbyes and waved and shouted saying she loved him. Richard responded while lifting his hat and shouting the same words to her, before turning around and moving onwards. Little by little the sound of the horse's hooves trotting on the stone path had become progressively quieter and quieter and the distance between Richard and his family grew greater and greater. Meanwhile, back at the house entrance Lady Tremaine quickly gave a mean glare at both her daughters before going inside to take a seat on one of the sofas. Ella came back inside shortly and was sobbing lightly as she was quite worried as to just when her father would be returning home. Lady Tremaine called out to her so that she could invite Ella to sit next to her during this emotional time, "Ella dear...", she said, "Now now, we mustn't blub," Lady Tremaine said as Ella neared her, she gently hugged her while trying to calm her down and sharing a comforting space. "Yes, stepmother," Ella responded while smiling and catching her breath, her stepmother then said that she needn't call her that and instead she could call her madam as it would do just fine. She helped wipe her tears away with her handkerchief and then they sat together for a short moment...

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