🦋𝐿𝑎 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑒 𝐿'𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑟🦋

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As she was stepping down the very last few steps the people began to make a pathway for her, as right at the direct opposite of Ella was Kit, who was making his way towards her in a slight hurry due to him having waited quite some time to see her again. While nearing the mysterious girl, he stopped for a moment just as he reached the floor she stood as he too had to defend a flight of stairs to get to her, he looked at her from a distance and smiled before continuing to approach the maiden briskly, she noticed him and returned a heart-warming smile as well. They were now both in the centre of the room with many others surrounding them in every direction. As they both stared into each other's eyes Ella broke the silence, by saying the first few words quietly, "Mr Kit...", he could not respond as he was completely taken away in the moment and was filled with so much joy to finally meet her. He laughed and happily expressed, "It's you, isn't it?" Ella replied by quietly saying it was indeed her, "Your Highness, if I may...that is. It would give me the greatest pleasure if you would do me the honour of letting me lead you through this...the first-" Kit said brokenly as he could not focus or respond in full words with his racing heart, so Ella took the weight off his shoulders and replied to complete his sentence "-dance..." Kit laughed and said that it was indeed what he was referring to, Ella nodded her head lightly, still with a pure smile and they shortly began La Valse de L'Amour, so the people called it.

He put his right hand around her wrist and his left hand behind his back and soon after the conductor had instructed his orchestra to play a classic melody for the royal dance. As Ella and Kit slowly swayed together the people around them were awestruck as they adored seeing the prince so happy and dancing just so with the most beautiful girl they had ever seen. The both of them turned around and Ella caught a glimpse of the room as her eyes quickly caught a glimpse of the surrounding environment, thus she got quite nervous, "They're all looking at you..." she nervously told Kit, "Believe me, they're all looking at you..." He responded, Ella twirled around and they both put their hands out and directed it up and down slowly through the air. Kit held Ella's right hand and spun her around and then she let go, leading her to turn around again. Her dress had truly moved as if it were made purely out of water as it seemed to just flow through the space. After she completed one turn he reached out his left arm and she reached onto it, he took some measured steps backwards while slowly rotating his body and she followed his lead and let go and spun around once more, Kit then reached out his right arm and they repeated the same steps anew again. As they were dancing beautiful harmonic symphonies from the violins could be heard from all around the room along with the supporting kind laughter and cheers from the crowds, for a moment it might have seemed to both Ella and Kit that the world stopped turning, they both had never been so happy and filled with such a love with a lightness of touch. He reached out his left hand next and they came close together and moved their connected arms toward the air, and then came together and reached out to each other's arms, waltzed around the room and turned around a few times. As they did so Ella moved outwards and held on to his right hand which made her spin, making the hemline of her dress expand completely and wrap around her body's silhouette, she continued to do this a few more times in the opposing directions so that the skirt of her dress could fully extend itself. As they danced it would seem that this was something that just came effortlessly natural to Kit as he loved to dance, for Ella she had not had as much experience in such activities but this was no difficulty at all because as they danced together he was leading her through the quite complicated routine so he tried his best to guide her simultaneously and she followed without struggle nor difficulty. She felt such lightness and elegance of the touch of the space around her and of course the holding of Kit's hands. Kit then put his hand on her back and she placed her left hand on his while holding his other hand as well, the both of them then swayed and waltzed across the room towards the other guests and as they did this the guests moved backwards to create some more area for them both. While they continued to dance the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa and Lady Tremaine and her daughters stared at the mysterious girl enviously, Princess Chelina was a slightly more or less envious sensation but Ella's family were filled with it tremendously in their entire body. Every time Kit picked Ella up or even if she had twirled the crowd around them gasped as they were all truly just routing for her in a way, and the way they both continued to graciously dance and as they did Kit lightly picked Ella up toward the side and she kicked her right leg up in a brisk but still minute manner so that she may push her dress to the side, when she landed they waltzed back to the centre and Kit picked Ella up once more and turned her around in the air. He then took her hand, turned her back, and this concluded the royal dance. They both placed their right hands on their chest and Ella gave a polite curtsy while Kit tilted his head down, bowing respectfully while the rest of the guests had all applauded them with cheers, "Who is she?" Princess Chelina asked the Grand Duke, but he expressed that he had not any idea at all. This truly was a beautiful sight to witness for both the townspeople and the nobilities, especially for the king himself.

So this was love, this was what made life divine, and it would seem to Ella that the key to heaven was in reach to her. Her heart had wings and was ready to flutter and soar to touch every star in the night sky...

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