🦋𝐿𝑎 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑒🦋

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"Now! Where are we? We got the carriage, horses...uh...footmen!" Fairy Godmother said while trying to remember what else she had wanted to provide for Ella, and she had just remembered that she could not send Ella off without others to attend with her assistance of the carriage. "Footmen?" Ella voiced confusingly, Fairy Godmother's eyes quickly scoured her surroundings in the dark garden and she then laid her eyes toward the direction of the fountain, she spotted both Mr Lizards, she replicated the same charm sequence as before, waved her wand, and flicked her wrist and then uttered the enchantment "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo". A streak of glittering light left the tip of the wand and made its way to the two lizards, two bicorne hats magically appeared on their heads and their two petite back legs had turned into the long legs of a human with chartreuse trousers and black buckled shoes, their juniper green skin had now turned into pear green double-breasted coats, along with the same colour waistcoat as well. Their front legs had now changed to human arms and as soon as they were dressed accordingly they both ran to the back of the fountain and leapt behind the stone structure while still lizard-sized as some would say but they soon grew to be exactly six feet tall. "You called?' Said one Mr Lizard before his tail had changed into the final form such as a tailcoat, he used his long end to adjust his bicorne hat as he was slightly slanted downward toward the left, Ella smiled out of excitement, covered her mouth with both her hands and raised her eyebrows as she was not sure what was to come next at all but she could not wait to witness it no doubt. "Now! I need that coachman," said Fairy Godmother, "Coachman?" Ella replied, Fairy Godmother was confused for a brief moment and realized that she had just said what she was going to have ready for Ella next instead of what animal she needed to transform, "Did I say coachman? I meant goose!" Fairy Godmother quickly corrected herself, as she briskly approached him and flicked her wrist swiftly in his direction and just as the stream of magic left her wand and made contact to his feathers he immediately flew to the sky; "Mr Goose, for tonight for a change, you will handle the reins, do remain calm for the role of a coachman might seem strange," she said to him as he fluttered while quacking about. He moved through the air, flapped his wings while his feathers fell to the ground, he flipped and twirled before being placed right above the carriage coach box. Mr Goose changed into a plump aged man who had landed right in his seat, he was dressed in a full off-white attire which consisted of a long box coat adorned with highly-polished buttons, a cocked hat and mittens too, "I can't drive. I'm a goose!" He said worryingly, Ella laughed politely knowing that he would be just fine and appreciated his unexpected humour.

"Now! Shoo! Everyone in their place, no time to be lost." Said Fairy Godmother while hurriedly urging everyone to get to the carriage and take their positions, as they all ran together through the garden Ella called out to Fairy Godmother, and asked her kindly if she wouldn't mind assisting her just her one last time because she thought that she could not attend the ball in her current dress or certainly not in its present state. She asked if Fairy Godmother could perhaps mend it for her as she did not see the need for a new gown for all she wanted to do was to see her kind friend. "Mend it? No...no, I'll turn it into something new..." She responded happily while waving her wand through the air, Ella graciously thanked her, and though the gesture was tremendously kind and generous she quickly turned down the offer and asked if Fairy Godmother wouldn't do it, because it was her mother's dress, and she'd like to wear it when she goes to the palace as it was almost like she was taking her there with her, "I understand..." Fairy Godmother said while looking at Ella, she had one more thought in mind and asked Ella if she minded if her dress was "cheered up" a bit and if she didn't perhaps mind a "nice blue", Ella smiled and said that she didn't mind one bit at all. And so before Fairy Godmother gracefully whirled her wand to Ella's damaged dress she said one more enchantment toward her; "Something simple, but daring too. Oh, just leave it to me. What a gown this will be!" This time when Fairy Godmother gracefully waved her wand beautiful small blue morpho butterflies exited the tip of it and neared Ella, they all circled around her body, one by her knees, one by her waist, chest and neck region. It was truly magical, Ella's eyes followed the path of one of them and so she twirled around slowly and with each time one butterfly completed a full revolution around her, bit by bit her dress slowly got mended and soon after new flutters of butterflies came and circled her silhouette, gradually seams of that seashell-pink fabrics appeared mending and improving the volume of her dress. Ella now wore a beautiful large mended pink gown, just as before she followed the path of one of the butterflies until she twirled around once more and as the large hemline circled and wrapped around Ella's silhouette, this led her to twirl in the opposite direction as the hemline dispersed, and outstretched her dress had completely transformed into a beautiful and bright saturated sapphire-blue colour. She continued to twirl around while the butterflies flew around her. Ella continued to twirl so that the magic could move with her, the hemline of the dress moved freely as if it were sewn from a lightweight water-like material, soon the butterflies came to a stop which was right at the thin ruffles along Ella's neckline. They landed atop this region and became one with the dress. Her ballgown was adorned with little white crystals that were dispersed evenly all over and along with shimmering specks as well, and within the skirt of Ella's' gown were ten thousand miniature crystals that glittered and sparkled in the moonlight, and her hair was styled in a half-up and half-down arrangement.

Ella was completely enthralled, it was the most stunning ballgown she had ever seen before. She told Fairy Godmother that it was so beautiful and that her mother would have loved it, "Now come on! Off you go, you'll be late!" Fairy Godmother told Ella enthusiastically, she spun around once more before running towards the carriage. Mr Goose had gotten into the swift of things and managed to park the vehicle as close to Ella as he possibly could, Mr Lizard got up from his post and quickly made his way to open the doors for Ella. As Mr Lizard reached out his hand to help her into the carriage, she held onto hers so that she may have some balance while walking onto the steps, while still wearing her ballerina flats Fairy Godmother stopped her and asked if those were the best shoes she had. Ella smiled and said it was alright and no one would see them. "No, they'll ruin the whole look. Quick quick, take them off!" She urged Ella, as she was a bit of a perfectionist. Hence, everything had to sort of intertwine with one another, Ella took her shoes off and took a step backwards, Fairy Godmother then thought for a quick moment and decided that she'd do something new for a change. She was in luck since Fairy Godmother said she wasn't just splendid at creating carriages, ballgowns and casting transfiguration spells she was incredibly skilled at creating shoes as well. Ella quickly got elated once more and looked at Mr Lizard who was still standing alongside her, she waved her wand and uttered a few words; "Just a wave of my stick shall finish the trick, it will be made translucent, with charming magic and without a colour hue. Oh! these will be just the pair for you!" As she said this her wand emitted two large pure white butterflies that circled around both Ella's feet three times. And each time they circled around, she felt the need to raise her feet upwards to stand slightly on the tip of both her feet as if an elevation of some sort was being created. By the time the third revolution was complete, she had now been wearing two dazzling glass slippers, they reflected light beautifully due to their specific shape, design and material, and it was embellished with one large slightly gold butterfly on each vamp of the slippers.

"But...they're made of glass," Ella said in a curious whispered voice, she still adored them completely but it was just that she'd never seen or heard of anything like them before, they were truly the first of its kind. "Yes, and you'll find they're really comfortable." Fairy Godmother happily replied, Ella smiled and gave them one last look before covering them up with her ballgown...

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