🦋𝐿𝑒 𝐶𝑒𝑟𝑓🦋

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And just out of nowhere a giant brown stag had come and crossed paths with Ella and her horse. They were all evidently frightened as Ella screamed out of shock and her horse had reared up almost instantly. The stag grunted aggressively and stood right in front and directly faced the both of them, he aggressively stomped both of his ebony-colored hooves combatively and then he soon quickly shifted his focus to Ella's direction. After a short moment of silence had passed, a loud hunting horn was blown in the near distance, quite quickly Ella pieced together what this meant and hurryingly urged her new friend to get back to safety, "Run! Quickly my friend or they'll catch you!" Ella told the stag. As the stag began making his escape. Ella's horse had suddenly become startled and he too felt the urge to run away, it was most likely due to the constant sound of the loud hunting horns being blown from all around them or just the sudden movement of the stag's brisk motions. Regardless of what it had been Ella had lost control of her horse and could not manage to calm him down, this led to her having no way of stopping him at all. And as her horse ran away he took her deeper and further away into the tranquil emerald-tinted forest, Ella couldn't help but shriek loudly out of shock for she saw no way out of this. But perhaps it was just as well that Ella's stepsisters were cruel. For had she not run to the forest, she might never have met the prince. His Highness was passing by, along with the rest of his hunting party and so he heard the voice of a woman struggling in the near distance, he looked to his left and saw a young maiden riding a horse which was dashing forward quite rapidly. He quickly decided to leave his hunting party to investigate and so he came to aid this woman straight away, "Miss! Miss, are you alright?" He shouted while chasing after her into the forest. He managed to catch up to her shortly and as he did he grabbed hold of her horse's mane so that he could help slow him down to the pace of his horse instead. Ella insisted that it was fine and that she was alright but he took the liberty of being of assistance nonetheless and that he indeed was.

"Are you alright?" The prince asked Ella once again. "I'm alright but you've nearly frightened the life out of him." She responded, the prince was understandably very confused as to who this maiden was referring to and so he asked her just that, "Who?" he said confusingly, "The stag! What's he ever done to you that you should chase him about?" Ella responded. As the both of them conversed with one another their horses were walking around in circles concurrently, it would seem that the horses were perhaps getting just as acquainted with each other as their keepers were. As Ella's horse was now better soothed and brought back to neutral feeling, the prince's horse was as well since he had just felt so eager to run around after chasing after Ella's horse. They both remained calm while the prince and Ella continued to converse with one another, "I must confess I've never met him before, he is a friend of yours?" He said, Ella went on to say that they were merely just acquaintances and they had only met just a few minutes ago. She mentioned that when they held eye contact she felt that he had a great deal left to do with his life and that was all that needed to be said about it, so she believed he had to see many seasons in the rest of his days. The prince smiled at her gentle but still passionate reasoning and asked what this maiden was called as he was quite intrigued by her and had never met anyone like her before. Ella was of course reluctant to share that bit about herself as it had now bared an ill memory, true it may not have been her true name but the one her late mother and father had given her was now tainted in a way with hatred from her stepmother and stepsisters, "Never mind what they call me." She said slightly disheartedly, the prince responded saying that she shouldn't be alone that deep in the forest, "I'm not alone I am with you...Mr...what do they call you?" Ella asked with a small laugh and smile. He laughed because he had thought that she would have known who he was as he was the prince of their kingdom but she hadn't the slightest idea at all, he soon realized that she was not bantering at all and was completely serious so he left it as is. He responded by saying that he was called "Kit", well his father did when he was in a good mood. They laughed while their horses were still circling each other and then Ella asked where Kit had resided, and he responded by saying that he lived in the palace where he learned his father's trade. And this meant that Kit was in fact an apprentice of some sort, "Do they treat you well?" She asked curiously, and he responded expressing that he thought he was treated most likely better than he had deserved. Kit returned the question to Ella and she told him that she was treated by her family as well as they were able to, he then gazed into her eyes and said that he was ever so sorry, as nobody deserves to initially be ill-treated and additionally to such an extent at that. "It's not your doing," Ella told Kit, "Nor yours either I'll bet," Kit replied, she smiled and went on to say that it wasn't so very bad and that surely others have it far worse than what she did, so she added on. "We must simply have courage and be kind, mustn't we?" Ella told Kit, and he agreed with her bold statement saying that it was exactly how he felt too.

As they smiled at one another the hunting horns had been blown again in the distance. This both frightened and worried Ella instantly, "Please don't let them hurt him." She worryingly requested, "But we're hunting you see, it's what's done," Kit said. "Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should been done!" Ella said loudly in response to him. Kit agreed once more and Ella then asked if this might have meant that Kit and his hunting party would allow the stag to live the rest of his life freely, and so he then decided to accept Ella's wishes as he believed her. Just as she was thanking him, Kit's Captain had found him as he spotted his sap-green blazer in his sight. As he called out to his majesty he had almost revealed the prince's identity to the girl by calling him by his royal title, Kit immediately shouted and interrupted him saying "It's Kit! Kit! Kit! I'm Kit! I'm on my way!" His Captain was very confused and laughed, he knew the prince well so without question, he just went along with whatever the prince was up to this time and so he cooperatively responded to his Highness, "Well we better get a move on...Mr...Kit." As the Captain spoke he looked to his left at the Grand Duke, to hint at the prince's out-of-the-ordinary act but nonetheless, it was for of course all the good intentions that he always had within himself. Kit said that he'd be on his way momentarily, as he just wanted to say one last thing to the maiden before he left...

"I hope to see you again miss." He told Ella, "And I you..." She responded and after their concluded greeting, he turned his horse around and joined the Captain, Grand Duke, and the rest of his hunting party. Before he was gone he glanced over his left shoulder to quickly see her face for one more time. And off he went making his way back to the palace walls, Ella did the very same and soon she returned to her home which was in the opposite direction from which Kit had made his departure.

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