🦋𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐷𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠🦋

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Shortly afterwards the both of them could hear Anastasia and Drizella arguing quite loudly complaining about how there was just not enough space for them both in their shared room, they found the area far too insufficient for themselves and their clothing as well. Drizella was shouting about saying that there wasn't enough of an enclosure for her and all of her sister's belongings, Anastasia shouted replying that her sister should just make herself smaller so that her clothes could fit into their storage spaces better. They came rushing past the room in which Ella and their mother had been sitting in and so they quickly made their way towards the neighbouring room due to Drizella becoming quite fed up with her sister so she sought to distance herself from her but that did not bode well for herself, while still shouting and arguing about Lady Tremaine had told Ella that her daughters have always shared a room together but they still remained "affectionate" girls nonetheless. As Lady Tremaine was about to continue speaking, Anastasia and Drizella exited the neighbouring room rushedly. This time Anastasia had shouted saying that her sister should just disappear entirely, "You'd like that wouldn't you?" Drizella responded sarcastically, she then frustratingly said to her sister that sometimes she could scratch her eyes out. Lady Tremaine continued the conversation and told Ella that she was afraid that her daughters were finding the sleeping quarters rather confining even though they were supposedly an "affectionate pair", Ella responded by saying that her bedroom was the largest besides Lady Tremaine and her father's and perhaps Anastasia and Drizella would like to share that room instead of the one they were currently situated in. "What a wonderful idea and what a good girl you are." Lady Tremaine responded cheerfully to the generous suggestion, Ella smiled and was only too happy to find ways to help others where she could. Before she could finish her next sentence saying about where she could sleep instead since her stepsisters were now going to use her room, her stepmother had cut her off intentionally and suggested that she'd rather stay in the attic for the time being. "The attic?" Ella asked with an understandably confused tone, Lady Tremaine assured her that it would only be a temporary change while she would like to have all the other rooms redecorated. "The attic is so nice and airy, you'll be away from all of our fuss and bother." her stepmother said while walking around the room, she then suggested that it would be even better and "more cosy" if Ella could take her late mother's old sewing kit along with her upstairs to help keep herself "amused". Ella was quite confused about why she would have been urged to move to such a remote and secluded room in the house out of all places and just why the house should be redecorated to begin with. Ella wondered about all these things for a brief moment, but she knew better than to question her stepmother so she instead remained quiet and did as she was told.

So there she went, making her way through the house corridors leading her to the entry which then led her to the attic. Ella opened the door and saw the large circular flight of stairs leading toward her new room. She was right at the very bottom landing of the staircase, she took a quick breath, looked up, and shortly started to make her ascend to the top door and she did so in a leisurely manner. The stairs creaked quite loudly and her steps echoed across the space throughout. When Ella had reached the top of the stairs and made her way to the door she opened it ever so slightly, she was greeted with a very dark mundane sort of room which was accompanied by extremely dusty interiors atop every plank of wood in the space, there was however a streak of sunlight shining downwards from the surrounding conical roof windows, which made it seem slightly less uninviting than what it was. The room was scattered with clutter such as multiple barrels and chairs which were turned in every direction, some stood upright, some stood inverted and some were just placed on its side. However, there was one chaise sofa, one wardrobe, and a single clock as well, along with many other things lying all around the room. Ella walked to the centre of the room and looked around her new quarters, "Well...no one shall disturb me here." Ella said to herself while her eyes scoured her surroundings. She took another quick breath and turned the dusty old sofa upright, she patted it down to help rid some of the dust and then shook out one of the rugs and placed it over the sofa to cheer it up a little bit. As she made her way towards one of the chairs which had been laid on its side, since she intended to neaten up her new living space, she was surprisingly greeted by some of her animal friends such as Teddy, Jacqueline, Greedy Gus Gus, and Tilda. They were having a little lunch break of their own together, the mice had used a wooden spool that was turned and put on its side to mock a miniature table where they placed little blocks of cheese on its top. Ella gasped loudly as she was not expecting any guests all the way up there any time soon but she was ever so delighted to see some kind familiar faces. They were all startled themselves as well, so they quickly scurried away from the spool and made their way to the chaise sofa. Ella greeted them all and let out a little laugh since she noticed that it was all of her mouse friends minus one sitting atop the sofa on the headrest, all the mice except for Gus Gus were already there for self-evident reasons, Gus Gus took a little bit longer to join the rest of them, but he was well on his way. She encouraged him saying he could do it and that he did, all with a little block of cheese resting in his mouth. While Gus Gus enjoyed the fruits of his labour Ella conversed with her friends. "So this is where you take refuge. Me too it would seem." It wasn't all so bad since she would now have some company while settling in and unpacking all of her belongings, she thought to herself. Meanwhile, all the way down at the very bottom of the stairs Anastasia and Drizella had overheard their stepsister talking to her friends and of course, they had thought she was talking to herself, thinking out loud or just something of the sort, but this simply wasn't the case at all. They quickly made remarks about Ella, one after the other. Anastasia called her a "mad simpleton" and said that she was talking to the woodworm, Drizella added on saying that Anastasia and herself had a halfwit for a sister. Anastasia wittingly responded saying she had two and not one... Drizella made it clear she heard what her sister had said but didn't really think much of it, she pulled her arm towards herself so that they could leave the room and go on about the rest of their day. Shortly after Ella's stepsisters left the space she looked around and tried to see the light of the situation and said that it was actually very pleasant, she had no cats...and no stepsisters around, she closed the door, continued unpacking and gladdening the attic to her content...

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