🦋𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠🦋

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As soon as Cinderella and Kit arrived back at the palace, he took her quickly on the path to his special place, it was leading toward the secret garden where they had last been together from the time of the ball. As they were nearing it, Cinderella soon recognized where they were going just by looking at the leaves and bushes around her, excitedly she soon sped up her steps while holding his hand so that they might get there sooner. As Kit hurried his steps he neared the door and opened it for her and told her that he insisted that she must seat herself on the swing once again. She laughed and said only if he insisted, as she walked towards it her back faced Kit, he walked towards her slowly and took out something from his back pocket revealing a little dark lapis-blue velvet box. He opened it quietly and kneeled before her waiting for her to turn around and face him. As she sat down and faced him she realized that he had been kneeling just as he did before when he had put her slipper on from the event some time ago, but this time he had been bearing a ring from within the box. She gasped out of excitement and from the greatest of joy, she covered her face and began crying tears of pure happiness. "Cinderella, today I was blessed to have crossed your path once more even though it was orchestrated to have been done long before I met you, but we're together now and you mean everything and more to me. You've made me the happiest a man could ever be and you have shown me the greatest of kindness and you taught me to have great courage. You are the only love I have ever known in my life so Cinderella will you do me the greatest honour and accept my hand in marriage?" Kit said while on one knee presenting a beautiful oval cut diamond to her, "Why yes Kit, I do. To be wed with you for many seasons to come as long as we shall ever remain. My love for you is as deep as the oceans." Cinderella said happily, Kit then took the ring out and inserted it comfortably onto the ring finger on her left hand, he rose and assisted her as well and they continued where they had left off at her home. They stared into each other's eyes and leaned in slowly so that they could share a kiss of true love. Soon after this, they journeyed back to the palace so that they could discuss the wedding, as they walked Kit expressed that he hoped Cinderella didn't mind that they may celebrate within just three days from now. She replied saying that it did not pose any inconvenience for herself at all and that it was more than enough time. "Excellent I shall let our seamstress know that she is to expect you very soon, do not hesitate to convey any specifics to your wedding dress as it is yours. From size to embellishments, it is yours alone." He told his fiance, that he then directed her to the seamstress's quarters and introduced the both of them and stated that his soon-to-be may be visiting often in the upcoming days as there is a lot that needs to be done. The seamstress Madam Aveline greeted his majesty and then told Kit that he best be off as he too had preparations to attend to and he was not to see the gown before the wedding. "Very well Madam Aveline, Cinderella I shall see you later for supper or when you have concluded what you felt is done for the day." They both smiled and as he left the room he turned back to look at her one more time as she did too, Kit had just as much of a schedule as well, so he needed to see the messengers so that a letter could be sent to the entire kingdom of the ceremony. Everyone was invited to attend, as all Kit's subjects would now have their queen. He entered the room and conversed with everyone after greeting them. "Gentlemen there is to be a wedding in three days hence, as you might have heard I have found the love which my heart is to wed.", "Why how splendid Your Highness." One of them expressed, "With that said we must see to it that everyone in the kingdom receives a notice of the marriage as they are all invited and desired to attend." Kit told them and ended off by expressing that he would return later as this was due as soon as it could possibly be. They told him that they would have it finished before he knew it. Perhaps we may state the letter as such; "All loyal subjects of His Imperial Majesty are hereby notified by royal proclamation that regarding the finding of a maiden of particular, it is upon this day officially decreed that in correlation with great tradition, three days hence upon Sunday at the strike of noon the wedding is to commence. Instituded throughout the length and breadth of our domain all his invited and fancied to attend. Said guest will now have the opportunity to meet and see the future Queen of this kingdom." one of the writers said, they came to an agreement once more and continued to write and seal many letters to be sent in their land. After Kit had left the space he neared the dining area as he was searching for his soon-to-be, he did not find her there so he came to Madam Aveline, "Good afternoon Sire, if I may assume. You might be looking for Miss. Cinderella, she just left saying that she was to find you perhaps by the grounds." Kit greeted and thanked her, hurried to the grounds and spotted her by the front garden, he called out to her so that he may show her around the palace. "My what beautiful flowers, we must have an acute bouquet of lavender and lilies for the wedding day" she told him and he replied to her saying that she best consider it done. They both walked together holding hands around the grounds conversing with one another and enjoying their time with one another too. Before it got too late Kit told Cinderella that it was best he at least show her to their room so that they may rest and so she may see her options of clothing should she feel it needed. Soon enough they both entered the grand bedroom with a large bed with many pillows and cushions, sofas, paintings and little ornaments as well. "We both may rest here and our clothing rooms will be moved close by, I completely will be at leisure if you may want your own room and bed and do not want to share a space in the present." Kit told Cinderella but she had not minded one bit, "It's perfect in every way and there's not a simple detail I would want to change about it, nor sharing a room and bed too." She said while smiling cheerfully. He then looked at her took hold of her left hand and kissed it lightly, he called out to one of the female servants named Miss Angeline, he expressed to her that if his fiance needed any assistance around she please tend to it as there were certain instances where he could not assist such as dressing her. Cinderella greeted her kindly, "Perhaps we shall get ready for supper." Kit said, and Cinderella smiled while nodding her head gently. He said that he would go change and he would meet her downstairs at the table.

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