°a forest?...°-ˋˏ✄┈┈bad luck┈┈

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        You had been walking for god knows how long. You felt dizzy, your headache only getting worse as you look around the street you were on.

 "Wait a minute..." 

You mumble out loud as you see no ones around you anymore. The streets are empty, no more pedestrians walking around, no more screaming or cars honking. It was quiet, dead quiet. 

"I swear it's like I'm in a horror movie or something."

You roll your eyes, not giving two fucks that no one's there but then the bigger problem sinks in. You look around the streets frantically as you realize you have no clue where you are. You had just been walking down the street not playing attention to anything. 

"God I'm so stupid! How could I be this dumb!" 

You start to panic, hyperventilating as you sprint down the street, thoughts running through you mind fast. You couldn't focus, your breathing was becoming out of order as your vision was slowly fading.
Then it hit you, literally a rock hit your head it which immediately knocked out the horrible feelings you were just experiencing, your vision cleared as your breathing calmed down. You stopped running, now standing completely still on the side of the street. You slowly turn your head to the right, looking for the source of who thrown the rock, but you were meet with a forest. 

"Ok what the hell is happening?! A forest!! I-I... what?!"

 You look around, it was a block on the street that was completely covered with trees, it was a overgrown forest right in the middle of the city. Nothing was making sense, but then you see a sign on the ground. It stated this block was privately owned, and then you remember from earlier at work, hearing in the news on the tv about a rich man who wanted to keep some of nature alive, he paid millions to buy this property. It was already previously covered with the overgrown trees and they were about to cut them all down, but he changed that. 

You take a step back away from the forest. Turning your head to the side and looking at a light pole a few feet away from you. As you walk up to it, spitting on your hands you grab it.

"Gosh this is so disgusting but I gotta see this."

 You're spit made you hands have a better grip on the pole as your thighs squeezed around the metal. 

"Well it's a good thing I went to the gym all those days."

 You just so happened to have a pretty fit body, nice upper and lower muscles leaving you just above the average human's strength, at least for your age level. Using your upper arms you pull yourself up the pole, your thighs keeping a tight squeeze to hold yourself up. Finally making to the top you look forward, towards the forest.

 "Haha! There it is! Home! Just on the other side of this forest!"

 You pointed at your apartment complex that laid at the other end of the forest across the street. It was about a mile walk if you cut through the trees, probably be a 2 to 3 mile walk if you go around. 

"This is perfect! I can save time and just by cutting through the trees to get to my apartment! Yes! I feel my luck finally coming back!"

 You laugh as you slide down the pole like a fireman. Now you stood there, staring straight forward into the dark forest, the only source of light being the moon... You smirked, ether your going to die in this forest or you'll make it out perfectly fine. You decided to take the chance. 

"Ready or not here I come!"

                  ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

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