°the meeting°-ˋˏ✄┈┈Welcome to Italy┈┈

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Bruno's pov

They were ignoring him! I couldn't believe it! I went to all the trouble to bring Giorno here and they don't even care! As much as I suspected this, this is still unreasonable!

"Listen everyone! I went out of my way to bring him here! Show him some respect!"

I yell at my team before I'm interrupted by the waiter.

"Mr. Bucciarati."

I sigh, of course this man had to come at the worse time, what could possibly be so important that he needs me?

"What is it?"

"You have a phone call."

"Right, thank you"

Yes, someone's always in need of my help. Hopefully I can get this done quickly and come back here. I know they're not going to treat giorno nicely. I turn my to my crew and point at them, as I slowly walk towards the waiter.

"Now then, all of you properly introduce yourself, capito?"[understood?]

I turn to giorno before heading out.

"I'll be right back giorno, you should get to know your fellow team members while I'm gone."

I sigh as I head to the waiter with the phone. I truly hope they will be sweet to giorno, but I know they won't.

"They're waiting for you."

The waiter with the phone speaks softly to me.

"Grazie." [thanks you.]

I thank him, as I pick up the phone. Holding it to my ear.

"Bucciarati here."
I spoke harshly, but still I couldn't help but let out a gasp as I hear the news... polpo's dead. And that could only mean-

"Is something the matter?"

The waiter asks me nicely. I smile at him as I answer in a calm voice.


"Bucciarati, bucciarati, do you have a moment?"

I hear a women's voice call out to me by the window. Mrs. menini.

"Oh signora menini, hello. What's on your mind?"

I place the phone back in its holder as I turn to look at the old lady.

"If you have time, lend me an ear. And speaking outside would be best."

"Yes, of course ma'am."

I head outside the restaurant as I stand in front of the two small old lady's.

"Bucciarati, this is one of my dearest friends in the world."

I watch as menini holds her friends hand, she's comforting her. 

"Her troubled son has recently started beating her and she's quite distraught"

Menini turns her head to look at her friend.

"aren't you?"

The poor lady's eyes swell up with tears as she nods her head. sniffing quietly, I can't help but feel an ache in my chest at the sight.

"I see. Well no wonder you're upset."

I squat down in front of the two lady's, so the conversation can be head to head.

"I'll make it clear he crossed the line. What's your sons name?"

I ask softly, hoping the lady won't cry.

"Thank you so much! Deep down he's a good boy, but those a damned drugs, they hurt him!"

I gasp, drugs... that means her son is involved with the Mafiosa selling system. I can't help but feel a little guilty, I'm apart of the same Mafiosa that started this lady's son on drugs.

"Bucciarati, I have lived in this neighborhood for the past 50 years. In all that time I've never been filled with such worry. What would make him do such a thing? I don't think I ever been this scared. Please you'll keep all of us safe, won't you bucciarati? You're one of us aren't you? I need to hear you say the words!"

I feel the sweat dripping down my face. Just the sight of these two sweet lady's in such pain makes my heart burn.

"Yes, you can rest easy. I'm going to fix this!"

"Aiuto!! per favore qualcuno AIUTO!!"[Help!! please someone HELP]

I freeze in my place as I hear screams. That was a women. A women calling out for help. I stare down at the two lady's as I feel adrenaline surge through my body.

"ma'am, I will do everything in my power to help, right now I must go and help the one who calls for it. But Don't fret I will help your son."

I watch as the two lady's nod at me. Menini speaking up.

"Yes please Bucciarati! Don't let another one of our citizens fall down into despair! Now go! Go!"

Menini ushers me away, as I make a full on sprint to where I heard the scream. The call for help. It sounded close, too close. I pinpoint the location to be at the nearby alleyway. As I run for it. Standing at the entrance as I stare at the back of a women. Her side bleeding out, a gun wound that went straight through. I was about to call out to her when I see the piercing golden eyes.

"I-is that a.."

I mumble out loud as I stare at this creature. It a stand, I can only image it's that's lady's as it disappears into her body. I can't help but be a little shocked. It's been a very long time since I've seen a civilian with a stand. I watch her wobble on her feet as I dash forward. Catching her body just before she hits the ground. I hold her close to be, cradling her body in my arms as I watch her force her eyes up to look at me.

"B-bruno Bucciarati?"

My mouth opens wide in shock, she knew my name, and I've never seen this girl before. I could only guess she's heard my name around town. I watch as her eyes closed, she passed out. My hand slowly reaches up and brushes her [h/c] hair out of her face. I take a good look at her, my eyes examining every detail. From her plump lips to her long eyelashes. This women was indeed an beauty. No stop it Bruno! This is not the time to be thinking about that! I sigh as my hand slowly lifts up the bottom of her shirt, I stare at the gun wound. Luckily it was a clear shot. Didn't hit a single artery. But the blood loss is not good.

"Sticky fingers!"

I call out my stand as I watch it zip up her wound. Of course this won't heal her but it will stop the bleeding. I slowly stand up, holding her close to my chest as I look forward. A men, decapitated on the ground in a pile of blood. This women is definitely going to answer a lot of questions when she wakes up.

                             ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

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