°Fortune Truths°-ˋˏ✄┈┈The Boss┈

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[~The image above is where this scene is taking place~]

ღೋ ⚝ ღೋ

Groaning softly you roll to your side, feeling what feels like hard planks underneath your back. You try to stay asleep, finally laying comfortable on your stomach till-

"AHHHHHHHH, HEYYYYYY!" Mista's screaming makes you shoot up, startling you.

As you stumble from the bench you were sleeping on to the rough concrete floor. Groaning quietly you lay there for a few seconds, just expecting reality before tiredly pushing yourself up to your knees. You hiss softly, looking at your scraped elbow before a hand comes into your view.

"Scusa Y/n, I know I told you I was gonna wake you up when we reached the bottom but you just looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself too! So I let you rest and carried you here, thought the bench would be more comfortable..."

Giorno chuckles, embarrassed he rubs the back of his neck. The sun shining down on him perfectly, making it look like there's a halo above his head, his golden blonde hair glowing in the Sun's rays. You feel your cheeks become hot, you can't be mad at him when he looks this heavenly.

"I really don't mind Giorno, I needed the extra rest anyways."

You yawn, holding your hand in front of your mouth when his hand grabs your free hand tightly, pulling you up you stumble into his arms. Sighing, you stain your head up to see Giorno's grinning face.

((Oh he defiantly just did that on purpose now.))

Shaking your head, you push yourself out of his arms. Scoffing as you place your hand on your hip, giving a little 'huff'. He gasps dramatically, chuckling he plays along as he moves in front of you to speak before Bruno yells at the two of you.

"No more time for fun and games, Vieni adesso!"[Come now]

You look at Bruno as he ushers both you over. Grumbling the two of you head to the front of the mens public restroom, you look around for a second, examining the place before walking inside with Giorno right behind you. You stand in Between Fugo and Abbacchio, Fugo nods down at you, while Abbacchio seems to look down and examine you from head to toe.

((No way is he actually looking to see if i'm hurt?! HAH! Always knew the he had a soft side.))

You can't help but snicker at the fact, before Bruno clears his throat. You look up to find him staring right down at you, giving you the 'please be quiet look'. You can't help but blush in embarrassment looking at the floor of the bathroom's tiles as he starts to speak.

"Ragazzi e signora,[guys and lady] you've made me proud. It's thanks to all of your efforts that we made it to Capri alive. Our would be attackers have been neutralized and are being held on the ship for now, the obstacle has been cleared."

Bruno smiles at all of us, you can almost sense his 'proudness' though you suspect it's more directed towards you and Giorno. As you two are the newbies on the team and you have both just completed your first mission successfully. Heck, you're even proud of yourself, a day into the Jojo universe and you're still somehow alive, that should be a reward on its own.

"Then let's go! There's no time like the present, our ten billon lire treasure awaits!"

Narancia chimes in, grinning happily he opens his arms and closes his eyes. Imaging all that money was in his arms right now. You can't help but giggle at the sight, Narancia is so silly.

"Enough suspense where did you hide it? A hidden safe at the bank? No- you must've buried it in some cave on the island."

Looking up you stare at Abbacchio face as he speaks, his voice husky yet features filled with excitement and confusion, this makes you even a little shocked, even Abbacchio seems hyped about the money, though really, who wouldn't be. You're even excited to see where Bruno hid it, sense in the real world when you where watching with Tori, when you came back from making popcorn, you came back on the scene where Trish was ordering Fugo around.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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