°cola or sprite?°-ˋˏ✄┈┈Gang-time┈┈

338 9 7

[small time skip, your on the boat now, also pretend that there where beach lounging chairs on the boat, by the front deck of course]

-y/n = first name
-l/n = last name
-n/n = nickname
-e/c = eye color

Darkness opens up to light, so bright and blue, seagulls flying overhead with white puffy clouds littering all over the blue sky. You groan and sit up, bringing your hands up to your eyes as you try to rub the tiredness away.

"Don't get to comfortable brat"

A deep voice snarls at you, as you continue to sit, hands still rubbing your eyes.(Wait... there's no way... I remember that voice! don't tell me it's...) You quickly remove your hands from your eyes as you turn your head to where the voice came from.


You stare at the tall man laying down on one of the beach chairs besides you, your eyes travel down and up, observing his slim build.

((It's actually him! Haha!! First I saw  Bucciarati and now I'm seeing the actual Abbacchio!! Oh what a dream come true!.. but wait, am I really this luckily?! One in a billon people this could've happened to, and I just happen to be one! It's like that one fanfic I read, going into the JoJo verse. Oh I can't believe this, but the proof is right here before my eyes! It's real!))

Every detail about him is perfect, from the serrated headpiece of cloth that acts as a headband, to his long, light gray hair, dividing into spikes that angle upwards at their ends. Your eyes slowly end up at his lips, just staring at his light purple shade of lipstick.

"Are you done staring brat? Damn bitch.."

He grumbles the last part but you still managed to hear him.

((Of course abbacchio would never be nice at first, it's just not his character. Now I gotta deal with his hard ass.))

You scoff and mumble out some curse words at him yourself.

"Fucking emo wearing spike head, purple goofy ass donut soon to be"

You hiss at him, speaking just below the level to which he can hear, as you stick your tongue out at him, rolling your eyes. ((shit...) You feel your heart race as abbacchio's face fills with anger, he heard you. Pulling down his headphones from his ears as he gets up from his beach chair on the deck of the ship, roughly grabbing the collar of your McDonald's employee shirt, pulling your head up to his, your faces only inches apart.

"The hell did you say to me brat!"

He hisses at you.((Oh great, he heard what I mumbled at him))

You don't even bother to look into his eyes, letting your head hang down as you stare at his bare chest, before slowly looking over his long, dark, overcoat with laces that cross over his chest, the dark bell-bottomed pants, and his black shoes, with the buckle of his belt that bears a gold insignia of the letter "A". You can't help but snicker.

((Damn he looks even more goofy and handsome then in the anime itself, I know for a fact no one in the real world would dress like this, but that's Araki for you!))

You shrug your shoulders at no one in particular, still staring at his bare chest until you feel the grip on your collar tightened as a rough hand grabs your chin, pulling your face up as you look into Abbacchio's yellow and violet eyes, feeling yourself fall in love all over again.

((Fuck, I'm back into my abbacchio faze.))

You grin, looking like a complete idiot.

"Look at me brat!"

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