About this story and question

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First off I want to make something clear! I do not agree with any harassment or disrespect towards Dream or any of his friends! This story is simply for fun and entertainment. Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Skeppy, and BadBoyHalo are not gay nor are they in relationships with each other! Dream and George have said their fine with shipping and fan fic's if done respectfully. If at any time I find out either them or their friends are uncomfortable with it I will either delete this story or I will edit it and remove them as characters and change the characters completely to not be them at all!

As the title and summary state this is a Dream team/ Dream's friends fan fiction taking place in the Naruto world. For those who don't know that is a Anime/Manga created by Masashi Kishimoto. This will contain shipping of Dream and George,  Sapnap and Karl, and maybe Skeppy and BadBoyHalo (only there online personas not irl!) Also there will be NO SMUT!  I decided to make this for three reasons. One I recently discovered the Dream team and thought they were cool and find the shipping of their online personas kind of adorable so there's that. Two, I love Naruto (Hence my user name Sevenswordsmen) and I realized I never made a fanfiction about Naruto before despite writing fan fictions. Three, Karl and Sapnap are into anime (Not sure about George or Dream tbh) and thought it would be cool to kind of introduce people who are into them to Naruto.

On to my questions however. I am not sure if anyone would even be interested in this kind of fanfiction, so I'm trying to see if anyone would even like this.

Also, I am currently working on this and plan to either release chapters after I get a few written or finish the story and then release them in order one at a time. If for any reason I decide to not finish/publish this story I will say as such.

Again this story is meant for fun and no ill intent or hate is intended or wanted. Rather your a fan of the Dream team or your just a fan of Naruto and have no idea who the Dream team is I hope you'll enjoy this story. Also this story is intended for mature audiences due to violence and possible gore. Just to be warned. If anyone has any advice or your interested in this story please leave a comment. (if your not interested then please just leave and don't leave a hatful or inappropriate comment.) Any how thank you to those who have looked at this, and here's hoping this story will take root and bloom.

Dream of the Mist (A Naruto/DreamNotFound fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now