The Demon slayer

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We were to leave at dawn, the earliest time of day to embark on our journey to the entertainment district. Excitement swirled within me as I packed my bags, ensuring I had all the necessities for our adventure. My futon, a source of comfort and rest during our travels, was carefully rolled up and nestled amongst my belongings. I also packed some immediate cooking supplies, prepared to whip up delicious meals whenever we made pit stops along the way.

As I made my way towards the departing spot, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The world was still cloaked in darkness, but the promise of a new experience beckoned me forward. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of black feathers. It was my loyal companion, my raven named Kahamaru, landing gracefully onto my shoulder. His presence always brought me a sense of comfort and companionship.

"Tomioka is already there," Kahamaru squawked, his voice filled with urgency, "please reach as soon as possible. His gloominess is already depressing everything at sight." A slight frown crossed my face as I processed his words. Tomioka, one of our fellow travelers, had managed to beat me to the rendezvous point. It seemed that his somber demeanor had cast a shadow over the surroundings. I knew I would have to make an effort to uplift his spirits and forge a connection with him.

With renewed determination, I quickened my pace. The importance of my arrival became clear as I mulled over the impact Tomioka's demeanor could have on our trip. We were a group embarking on a journey together, and the energy we brought would shape the experiences we would encounter. I vowed to bring a sense of lightness and positivity to the adventure, hoping that it would permeate through the entire group.

As I finally reached the departing spot, I scanned the area for Tomioka's familiar figure. My eyes were immediately drawn to his haori, a garment unlike any I had ever seen before. It was a fusion of two fabrics, creating an extraordinary and unique pattern. My curiosity was piqued, and I couldn't help but wonder about the story behind such an unusual piece.

"Let's leave, Tomioka-san," I said, mustering all my compassion and attempting to sound friendly. Surprisingly, my words came out softer than expected. I thought to myself, "One point for me." But the water Hashira, known for his silent nature, didn't even acknowledge my presence. He simply started walking forward, as if I wasn't even there.

Disappointed by his lack of response, I frowned and felt a sense of letdown by the supposedly mighty Hashira. "To hell with him," I muttered under my breath. I reminded myself that I was only here for a mission, and I couldn't let the silent Hashira dampen my spirits.

We ventured into a dense forest, the only sound being the soft rustle of leaves underfoot.

As we ventured deeper into the dense forest, something struck me about my partner in mission, Tomioka-san. He was walking with such speed and determination that it made me question whether he was challenging my own physical limits or if he was simply a naturally fast walker. Trying to read people based on their body language was a skill I prided myself on, but in this instance, I found myself at a loss.

"Tomioka-san, please, if we hope to cover the entire area, we should conserve our energy," I suggested, my words carefully chosen so as not to come across as frustrated, despite the slight annoyance I felt. "We wouldn't want to exhaust ourselves too soon."

His response came as a quiet acknowledgment, "Y-you're right, Tsukumo-san. I apologize." At least he didn't seem to be an ass, I thought, feeling the tension ease slightly between us.

As we walked on, the forest grew darker, and the sounds of wildlife filled the air. Leaves rustled beneath our feet, and a mysterious energy seemed to linger in the atmosphere. I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden within these ancient trees.

We walked in silence, our senses on high alert. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of something we were yet to discover. Suddenly, Tomioka-san stopped abruptly, causing me to nearly bump into him.

"What is it?" I asked, glancing around, my heart racing.

He turned to me, his eyes filled with apprehension. "I found something," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the gentle rustling of leaves.

Curiosity piqued, I followed his gaze. There, nestled among the ancient roots of a towering tree struggled a short woman. Clearly struggling with a demon strangling her. Its ugly smile would probably haunt her for life if we don't do something about it.

My heart raced with adrenaline as I assessed the situation. It was my pleasure to end its life, to free the woman from its clutches. But something felt off. I usually carried out my missions alone, and if Tomioka Giyuu, a renowned demon slayer, found out about my unique way of breathing, would he disclose it to others? There was no way to be sure.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, my hand instinctively reaching for my sword. "Hey, stop that now if you want to live," I commanded, my voice firm and unwavering. Scratch that, I'm about to slay that ugly head of yours at this instant," I added, confidence radiating from every pore.

The demon's eyes widened, startled by my sudden appearance and determination. It released its grip on the woman, who gasped for air, her eyes filled with gratitude and disbelief. I nodded at her, silently urging her to move away from the danger.

As the demon turned its attention towards me, I could feel its malevolence emanating from its every pore. Its grotesque smile widened, as if taunting me, daring me to take a step closer. But I wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

"Female demon slayers are one of my favorite meals, and it appears that I have already found my supper for the day." Its atrocious smile came, and I visibly cringed at its hideous features.

"Depends, if you can reach within one-foot radius of me, I will gladly offer myself to you," I grinned. Demons detested being challenged, and my entire being was hell bent on torturing them.

Giyuu Tomioka was not one to stand by and watch as his partner fought a mission, but he would be lying if he said his interest wasn't stirred. He, too, was curious about this confidence. I grinned and engaged in total concentration breathing. I was the one who had been hidden from birth.

Everyone from the higher ups was protecting my whole being. They concealed me from the demon king because of the havoc he'll cause if he discovers what I really am. I was specifically instructed by Oyakata sama to kill any demon that came into contact with my technique in order to prevent it from informing Muzan about it.

My demeanor changed as I raised my katana and whispered. "Sun breathing first form: Hinokami Kagura"
With a swift motion, I unsheathed my sword, its blade gleaming in the dim light of the forest with flames.

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