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fast forward to the start of 2014, when everyone moves into their dorms...

(Daisy Academy is a boarding school with a girl's wing and a boy's wing. It has an old English vibe to it, with delicate chandeliers and old yet pretty corridors, with the main accents being marble, wood, and stone, but the rooms are more modern and sophisticated. Think a Hogwarts kinda school, yk?)

"AND REMEMBER GIRLS, 6 TO A ROOM!" A loud thunderous voice rings through the corridors.

A chorus of "YES MA'AM!"s are heard as the girls of Daisy Academy scramble to find their dorms, and pick rooms.

"I DIBS THE WINDOW ROOM!" A girl's voice with a strong English accent yells.

"NO FAIR! YOU GOT IT LAST YEAR!" A deeper, more chilled American accent responds angrily.

Karlie walks into her dorm to find her friends, Kendall and Cara, scrambling to get to the door.

She sighs and shakes her head before dropping her bags in the dorm door. "You know what? there's supposed to be a new girl, maybe let her have it." Karlie suggests.

Kendall and Cara look incredulously at Karlie. "No way in hell, babes. This room is MINE." Cara seethes.

Karlie puts her hands up in defense. "Okay, okay, just a suggestion, jeez.."

Her eyes scan the room to find 3 of the rooms already taken, so she resorts to the room in the top left corner, with an empty room next to it.

Karlie smiles, and starts to drag her suitcases and bags to her room.

She opens the door, to find a double bed in the corner, with a small wooden bedside table next to it.

There's a closet opposite the bed, and a large desk with a monitor and a swivel chair in the other corner.

Karlie sighs happily, and flings herself onto her bed. Remembering how much fun her first year at this school was, she hopes this year will be just as fun.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket to find a message from Ms Crawford:

"Hello Karlie, Taylor is at reception, she's just sitting with there with a notebook and her luggage, would you be able to collect her and show her to her dorm?"

"Sure! I'll be there in 5 minutes!"

Karlie types out her response quickly, before shoving her phone in her pocket, checking herself in the mirror, and sprinting out the door.

"BYE KLOSSANOVA!" Cara yells out. Karlie chuckles at Cara's joke before continuing on her way.


'So, Taylor, someone's gonna be here to show you around very shortly, I suggest you pick your ba-"


A tall girl has practically launched herself through the door. Great. Taylor thinks. I've got an even bigger klutz than me showing me around the school.

"Shit!" The girl stands up and dusts herself off as she apologises to the mistress.

"Miss Crawford, I'm so sorry, I was in a rush and you know I have these really annoying legs and-" the girl looks up to find Taylor staring directly at her.

"Uh-" The girl starts. The mistress clears her throat. "Ahem, Taylor, this is Karlie." She says cheerfully, gesturing at the tall girl, who is looking noticeably panicked.

Karlie reaches out her hand for Taylor to shake. "You must be Taylor, nice to meet you."

Taylor shakes Karlie's hand awkwardly, before mumbling a: "That's me, nice to meet you too." Karlie finds herself smiling at Taylor's adorable timidness.

"Anyways, you girls best be off, dinner is in 2 hours, just enough time to help Taylor unpack. Goodbye!"


Taylor and Karlie walk down the hallways together, engaging in some very boring small talk.

"This school is really beautiful, I love the architecture and the color scheme." Taylor says quietly, a small smile on her face.

Karlie rolls her eyes playfully. "So you're like, a geek then?" She asks Taylor carefully.

"Technically. You're not any less geekier, Karlie. You practically shot yourself through that door!" Taylor states, giving Karlie a small nudge on the shoulder.

Karlie laughs. "You're not wrong, sadly. I love coding. OH! and baking. Do you like baking?" Karlie curiously asks Taylor.

"I like baking, but I'm better at making actual meals, it's really stupid.." Taylor says, almost shamefully.

"It's not stupid! anyway, do you have siblings?" Karlie asks Taylor, carefully opening the door to their dorm for Taylor.

"Oh, yeah, I have a broth-" Taylor starts.

"Who are you?" Kendall and Cara ask simultaneously, looking up from their game of cards.

"Oh, hey guys. Taylor, this is Kendall," Karlie says before pointing at a pretty girl with medium length brown hair, and large brown eyes. She waves friendlily, before looking back down at her hand of cards.

"And this is Cara!" Karlie points at the other girl, who has long mouse-ish colored hair, and electrifying blue eyes. "Pleasure to meet you!" She exclaims. Unlike Kendall she stands up, and shakes Taylor's sweaty hand.

"Hey, nice to meet you too." Taylor says nervously, acknowledging both the girls.

"Don't be nervous, Taylor, they're both more dorkier than you and I combined." Karlie says, grabbing Taylor's hand and squeezing it tightly. Taylor giggles.

"You did not just say that!" Cara says playfully.

"Oh, yes I did." Karlie fires back.

"I'm not dealing with your bickering today, thankyou very much!" Kendall says before quickly getting up and putting her body between the two girls.

"Behave yourselves, you hear me?" Kendall says, like a figure of authority.

Karlie rolls her eyes playfully and walks away, pulling Taylor with her.

"Yes Mom..." Cara says dismissively to Kendall, waving her arms about wildly.


"This dorm is a madhouse!" Taylor says to Karlie jokily.

"Well it's made for me, then!" Karlie jokes.

Karlie laughs, and shows Taylor to her room, a small cozy bedroom next to Karlie's own.

"Oh my god! this is beautiful!" Taylor exclaims, spinning around to look at everything.

"Yep, I think they used all the budget money for the cafeteria on the dorms..." Karlie says.

Taylor turns around to look at Karlie and winces. "Is it that bad?" Taylor asks, referring to the cafeteria food. Karlie nods. "There's a kitchen in this dorm, right? I can make us dinner if you ever get sick of it, if you want." Taylor offers Karlie.

"That actually sounds nice, between you and me, we could open up a restaurant!" Karlie says playfully. "Haha, you're not wrong," Taylor exclaims.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to unpack, give a yell if you need help!" Karlie waves, and turns to leave, leaving Taylor standing cluelessly in the middle of her room.

"Yep!" Taylor shouts back.

Once Karlie leaves, Taylor turns around to face her room, with her hands on her hips.

Wow. I'm starting a whole new chapter of my life. What fun.

Taylor thinks to herself, before starting to unpack her many boxes, bags and suitcases.

When she's finished, she jumps onto her bed.


Hmph. Taylor mumbles into her pillow, before gathering all her strength to lift her head up.

"Coming!" she exclaims tiredly.


I hope you liked this chapter, it took a while! please comment on anything you'd like, also I need help: who else should I add to the dorm? there's two rooms left!

Dorm 113 ( Kaylor )Where stories live. Discover now