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"Karlie, I gave you the packing list last night WHY ARE YOU ONLY HALF DONE? WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN 20 MINUTES!" Taylor bursts in through Karlie's door, screeching.

"I'm getting there, Tay. Patience." Karlie says calmly, looking up to see Taylor pacing the floor.

"Hey, Tay, stop. This carpet Is for me to pace anxiously on, not you. Go do that in the kitchen, you're making me nervous."

"That's the point, hopefully then you'll speed up!" Taylor stops pacing and begins to yell again.

Karlie stands up, walks slowly to Taylor, and puts her hands firmly on the shorter girl's shoulder.

"Tay, relax. Go put your stuff in the car, I'll be 5 minutes. We also need to pick up some groceries on the way. Don't worry, the time we get there won't change anything. We're there for almost 2 weeks, we've got all the time in the world, okay?" Karlie reassures Taylor, pulling her into a loose hug, before timidly pushing her out the door.

Taylor hasn't moved.

A frown crosses her face.




After the girls pick up some groceries, and they're on their way, a silence washes over them.

"Do you wanna play some music?" Karlie asks Taylor, passing the AUX cord to her.

"Sure. You a fan of Phoebe Bridgers?" Taylor asks, fumbling with the cord awkwardly.

AN (I'm aware some of the songs that are used in this fic weren't out in 2014, but just picture it, K?)

"Never heard of her. Play one of her songs for me." Karlie says, smiling.

"Okay! there's this song I love called Scott Street-" Taylor starts, before a quiet guitar strumming fills the air.

"This sounds nice." Karlie says, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"Just wait till the bridge!" Taylor exclaims.

"What's a bridge?" Karlie answers, clearly confused.

Taylor turns to Karlie, jaw dropped, and tuts.

"Please tell me you packed bathers, because you're gonna be no help when I'm writing."

"Oh I did. Real sexy ones as well."


Taylor spends the rest of the car ride looking out the window wistfully, and Karlie spends the rest of the drive gawking over how amazing Phoebe Bridgers is.

"Tay, be careful not to fall asleep. I don't love waking you up." says Karlie, chuckling lightly, as Karlie's loving eyes meet the side of Taylor's head, causing Taylor to look back at the taller girl, a small smile forming when she realises Karlie was looking at her.

Can the killer in me tame the fire in you?

I know there's something waiting for us

Karlie looks back on the road, but still feels Taylor's loving eyes on her.

I am sick of the chase

Taylor sighs happily, and copies Karlie, focusing her attention back on the road, and the distant blue haze on the horizon, indicating the beach.

But I'm stupid in love

And there's nothing I can do,

And there's nothing I can do.


"You weren't lying when you said this place was big..." Karlie says, jaw dropped, before looking at Taylor, as they're both standing outside the car, staring at the house.

"Mhm." The shorter girl confirms Karlie's previous statement, before bounding up the stairs with a large grin on her face, and unlocking the front door.

"First things first: rooms. This place has 8 bedrooms, you get first pick. I'll give you 10 minutes to run through the whole house, and then I'll take the room next to yours, 'kay?" Taylor says, turning to Karlie.

Karlie's signature sunshiney grin washes across her face.

"Got it. Time me." Karlie says confidently, as both the girls walk into the house.

Taylor sets her and Karlie's bags on the table, and Karlie sprints up the stairs.

A series of thumps are heard as Karlie rushes about the house, oohing and ahhing at every second thing.

"You sound like you're having fun, you crazy athlete!" Taylor yells up the staircase, grinning.

"THERE'S A POOL??? WE'VE GOT A BEACH AND A POOL?! THANKYOU FOR LETTING ME COME, TAY! I LOVE YOU!" Karlie yells happily from the balcony, the last 3 words echoing through the house, causing a rush of shivers down Taylor's spine.

I love you too.

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