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"That was the most excruciatingly painful first day i've had since year 5. In year 5 i got in a fight and had to go to the hospital. That pain compares to today." Karlie groans, dragging her bag through the door.

"Why do you look like a mod and act like a bikie?" Taylor asks, rolling her eyes at the taller girls antics.

Karlie smirks, and turns to look at Taylor, puffing slightly as she dramatically drops her bag.

"Because I can. I'm also flattered by the fact you think i could be a model, i'm gonna talk to you about that later-" A subtle blush washes over Taylor's face.

"And, to be fair, you look like you should be getting under some boys, but you act like an indie singer from California, so, yeah."
Karlie says, smirking, crossing her eyes at Taylor, before dragging her bag back to her room and slamming the door, leaving Taylor's jaw on the ground.

"BURN!" Cara yells from across the room.

Taylor huffs and crosses her arms.

"You're supposed to be on my side, dipshit." Taylor snarls at Cara.

Several gasps are heard as Karlie steps out of her room, and Cara and Kendall peek their heads around the corner.

"Did Taylor Swift just..." Cara starts, gobsmacked.

"Swear?... Yes. She did." Karlie finishes for her, looking Taylor up and down.

Kendall creeps forward, rubbing Taylor in the back. "Taylor, do you want me to get you some Panadol? are you feeling okay?"

Taylor shakes her head slowly, as she stands there dumbly, laughing on the inside at the other girl's reactions.

"I'm going to bed." Is all Taylor can manage, before she trudges off to her room, pushing past all the girls.

"Yeah, i'm gonna get some Panadol." Cara adds, earning an exasperated groan from Taylor's room.

"Go fuck yourself."
"Okay, who's making dinner? and don't say i should, because my head is really prone to hitting the cabinets, and Cara used all the Panadol so i'm suffering and in pain, and i deserve food."
Karlie states grumpily, walking into the living room and plonking down on the couch.

"Where's Taylor? can't she cook?"
Hailee asks Karlie, not taking her eyes off the television.

"I mean, i guess. I'll go ask."
Karlie says shrugging, and walking off to Taylor's room.

"You're my lifesaver, Karlie!"
Hailee yells after Karlie, which earns a "Mhm!" from Karlie and a "I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" from Cara.

Karlie snickers at her best friend behaviour, before reluctantly knocking 3 times in Taylor's door.


She tries again.

Not a sound.

"This girl can really sleep..." Karlie murmurs under her breath, carefully opening the door as to not make any noise.

Karlie tiptoes quickly across the carpet, taking extra care not to make sound, before finding herself standing in front of Taylor's bed.

This feels awkward. Watching my friend sleep... Karlie thinks.

Maybe i'll move to the floor.

Karlie quickly sits down, and rocks her body, before pursing her lips, then letting out a extravagant sigh.

This also feels weird.

You know, you could sit on her bed... Karlie's mind rings.

No! that's an invasion of privacy! another part of Karlie's head rings.


Karlie suddenly stands up, before buying her lip nervously and sitting down timidly on Taylor's bed, next to her head.

"Taylor, wake up." Karlie says softly, rubbing Taylor's back lightly.

Karlie's about to try again, before she starts to realise how beautiful Taylor is when she's sleeping.

Her eyes flutter softly every now and then, as she breathes in and out deeply.

Karlie studies her features, her sculpted face, and the ways her lips sit perfectly, and the way long strands of golden hair frame her face, like a waterfall.

Snap out of it Karlie. Yes, she's gorgeous. Now wake her up.

Suddenly Karlie gets a brainwave.

I know what wakes me up in the morning.

Jason Derulo.

Karlie fumbles her phone in her pockets, and breathes in sharply before hitting play.

"All in a thousand different flavours..." Taylor's eyelids flutter, and a frown forms on her face.

"i wish that i could taste them all tonight..." Taylor's eyes stay closed, but she takes a sharp breath in, proving she has woken.

A small groggy voice cuts through the dark air:

"And i ain't got no dinner plans, so you should bring all your friends, i swear that to y'all are all my type..."

Taylor says quietly, eyes still closed as a small grin crosses her face.

Karlie giggles, and gets up from her bed.

Taylor laughs, and opens her eyes, before sitting up slowly, and looking at Karlie with an even larger grin.

"You gotta make dinner, chef."
Karlie tells Taylor jokingly, walking out the door.

Taylor gets up, and walks to the bathroom.

"Got it, model."

803 words-



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