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I'm gonna start adding dates to these. 5 votes for the next chapter?


5:00 AM, 26th of July, Sunday, 2014.

Karlie wakes up to someone gently shaking her.

"Karlie, c'mon, everyone else is gonna ge awake in 45 minutes, we gotta go." Cara says worriedly.

Karlie sits up. "Can't we do it tonight?" Karlie asks Cara tiredly.

"Karlie, you know it's dangerous to do it in the evening, there's patrols around the school then. Come on, I'll get you the good stuff." Cara pleads Karlie.

Karlie sighs and gets up, slipping a sweater over her head.

Karlie and Cara are carefully walking around the school, before finding their favourite bench near the parking lot.

Cara hands a lit cigarette to Karlie, and she brings it to her lips, and breathes in the smoke, letting a feeling of euphoria fill her senses.

"How have you been?" Cara asks Karlie carefully.

Karlie sighs, and looks up at Cara.

"I've been alright, it kind of stings to be here, at school though. Sitting in places he used to sit," says Karlie in a monotonous voice. "I can still feel him, it's like he's right here. I felt really shit during the holidays, because I skipped the funeral. I couldn't bear it, I wanna keep some of my dignity." Karlie says, shrugging her shoulders.

Cara purses her lips and sighs. "What are you doing here then?" she asks the taller girl.

"What do you mean? getting drunk and smoking?" Karlie says carelessly, chuckling hollowly, before passing the cigarette back to Cara. The shorter girl accepts it gratefully and inhales the smoke slowly.

"You still doing therapy?" Cara's thick accent rings.

"Yeah." Karlie says before pausing and letting out a sigh.

"Not really, I only talk to her once every couple weeks." Karlie admits shamefully.

Cara shrugs. "That's better than nothing. What was your shrink's name again?"

Karlie rolls her eyes. "Her name was Gracie, but I think that was a fake name. She seemed my age, not really old enough to be a therapist; apparently her mum owned the institute, and thought her daughter would be suitable for an underage job. Sure, it's not professional, but it's not illegal either; and I don't mind it, she's got a different perspective from my old therapists. We just text, we never met in person." Karlie says. "She doesn't know my name either. To her, my name's Lara."

Cara's eyes widen. "That's sooo cute. You guys should meet up in person! anyway, we gotta go, it's 5:45." Cara says, shoving Karlie lightly on the arm.

The older girl chuckles, and gets up from her seat.

"Yep, let's go. Can we keep this from the others? especially Taylor. Plus, I told everyone else I quit." Karlie admits guiltily, and helps Cara up.

"Sure. Don't ever feel like you're being pressured to do this shit, and If you do tell me, and I'll stop too, 'kay?" Cara asks Karlie, trying to reassure her.

Karlie nods timidly, and the girls walk back to their dorm.


Gigi, Kendall and Hailee are sitting on stools in their pj's as they watch Taylor expertly flip pancakes.

"I could never do this shit, baked beans and toast is the only thing I've ever known." Gigi admits sadly.

Taylor chuckles. "It takes practice. I have a younger brother, I'll have to teach you one day, Gigi." Taylor says.

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