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"Karlie, no. Thats way too much chee- Karlie, stop! Thats enough cheese!"Taylor squeals, ripping the bag of cheese from Karlie's hand, as the taller girl sprinkles endless amounts on her pizza.

"Taylor, you need therapy. There is no such thing as enough cheese." Karlie says playfully, shoving Taylor away. Taylor pouts and opens the door to put Karlie's pizza in the oven.

"Girls! Dinner!" Taylor yells, smirking at Karlie, before taking out five pizzas from the oven and placing them on the bench.

Gigi comes thrashing through the dorm, causing Karlie to jump, and drop the cheese on the floor.

Taylor winces. "Karlie, you're e lucky I'm a civil person, otherwise I would gladly shove your head into that oven, and then watch gleefully as your gorgeous hair singed off, and your eyes melted."

Gigi scoffs at Taylor's outburst, and gratefully snatches a slice of Hawaiian pizza, and shoves it unceremoniously in her mouth.

"GIS IS DO GOOD!" Gigi exclaims happily, before standing up and giving Taylor a tight hug.

"Well, thank you. Next time, I might get you to help instead of Karlie. I'm pretty sure she has a problem with cheese, I don't know, maybe a truck carrying cheese ran over her dog."

Taylor says unproblematically.

Gigi's eyes widen, and Karlie drops her shoulders and cocks her head as if to say: Wow, yes. That's exactly what happened.

Taylor laughs, and Gigi goes back to eating her pizza.

The girls end up all enjoying their pizzas, and they all have a nice night, dancing about wildly to ABBA's Fernando and Voulez-Vous.

"I'm gonna hit the hay. Night Tay." Karlie says, patting Taylor on the back.

She called me Tay.

Taylor smiles. "That rhymes, can I write a song about it?"

Karlie pivots on her heels to look at Taylor.

"Go ahead, just give me credit, please. Night." Karlie mumbles.

"Someone's grumpy. Night." Taylor scoffs, walking away to join Cara on her quest to watch all the Star-Wars prequels in one night.


I wake up to my phone unceremoniously blasting Swalla by Jason Derulo at full volume.

Yes, my alarm is disturbing, Im aware.

But I seem to have developed a problem, and that problem is sleeping through my alarm.

Luckily, I don't have that problem anymore. It's expectantly hard to sleep when Jason Derulo is yelling: ALL YOU GIRLS IN HERE, IF YOU GETTIN THIRSTAYYYY!!! directly in your ear.

And I'm up. Ready to conquer the world.
or not.

Okay, first thing to conquer: what to wear?

I wonder about this for a while, aimlessly wandering around my room, occasionally tripping over my beanbag.

I eventually settle on a trench coat, a pair of dark jeans and Nikes.

I sit at the bench, suspiciously eating a bowl of cheerios.

i carefully spoon the stale cereal into my mouth, looking around the room.

Where is everyone?

I get up suddenly, leaving my spoon to fall into my cereal, causing my bowl to slip over and milk to spill everywhere.

Shit shit shit. Oh well, I'll clean it up later.

I wave it off, then walk to Cara's door, thumping loudly on the wood with my fist.

"WAKE UP!" I yell.


(Taylor's POV)

What on earth?

I sit up rapidly, looking around the room, trying to figure out where I am.

I'm on a mattress on the floor.

I spot a desk, on which sits a set of drumsticks, and countless pairs of earrings.

Culprit found.

Cara Delivigne.

"Cara, what am I doing here?" I walk over to Cara, shaking her lightly as to wake her up.

Cara turns over, so her face is in her pillow, before groaning loudly.

"You fell asleep. I dragged you here." She mumbles.

I mean, she could have just put me in my own bed, but okay.

"Well thank you. Now if you dont mind, class starts in 15 minutes if you wanna just..."

Cara eyes widen as she springs out of bed and rushes to the bathroom.

Yep. I sigh. There she goes.

A chorus of rumbling and loud talking erupts from the living space, indicating that the other girls have woken up.

I tiredly walk out the door, before walking into my own, and slipping on a sweatshirt and jeans.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the back of my door before I leave;

Goal acquired. I look like a homeless man.

I spot a long-legged girl, bending over, cleaning up something on the floor.

"Good morning, Karlie, wanna know how I knew it was you? Because you're freakishly tall, and you're cleaning up something you no doubt, dropped on the ground."

I say smartly, causing Karlie to look up at me, before she rolls her eyes, and gets back to cleaning.

"Now," Cara starts, pointing at Karlie. "This is what we like to call a Klossanova event."

Taylor bends over laughing, as a subtle blush washes over Karlies face.

"They occur approximately 3 times a month, and they are deadly."

Dorm 113 ( Kaylor )Where stories live. Discover now