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Karlie watches Taylor with a grin, glad that she's enjoying the pancakes.

"Karls... Mm... You gotta give me the recipe!" Taylor exclaims, licking her fingers.

"Will do. How many albums have you made?" Karlie asks, taking her plate to the sink.

"Before this one that I'm making? Uh, let's see... Self-titled, Fearless, Speak Now, Red... 4. I've made 4 albums." Taylor says casually, handing her plate to Karlie.

"4? Holy cow Taylor! Are they any good?" Karlie teases, earning an angry pout from Taylor.

"I'll let you be the judge of that, actually. I got you a present." Taylor says sneakily, pulling something out of her bag, which earns a curious smile from Karlie.

"She's all yours." Taylor exclaims, handing the finished cd of her last album, Red, to Karlie.

Karlie gasps, gently turning it over to look at the cover art. "Whoa babe, thanks!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around Taylor's neck and inhaling her sweet smell.

"That's alright, I figured at least someone might like it.." Taylor says sadly, pulling away to sit back down.

"What do you mean?" Karlie asks, sitting down next to the singer to rub her back.

"I just.. The reason you haven't heard my name or my music is because... I sell average 250 copies of all my albums, and I only have 100 monthly listeners. I just... I feel like I work so hard, but no-one sees it. I shouldn't be ungrateful though, I'm lucky for everything I've already got, plus music was always my outlet for my emotions, my music didn'thave to be for everyone else."

Taylor rants, blushing slightly.

Karlie leans her head on Taylor's shoulder.

"Don't think that way. I'm sure there are lots of people out there who are struggling like you are in the industry. Also, I don't know about you, but I think you've got a new fan. Consider your monthly listeners to go up by one. Love you Tay." Says Karlie reassuringly, nuzzling deeper into Taylors neck, which she reciprocates by wrapping an arm around Karlie's waist.

"love you too."

THESE CHAPTERS ARE SUPER SHORT I KNOW, I WANNA WRITE SO MUCH MORE BUT ITS SOOOO FUCKING DIFFICULT TO TYPE WITH THIS!!! Once I get a better device to write on, expect a 2000 word long chapter. Don't forget to vote byeeee

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