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"Morning sleepyhead." someone says. Not quite sure who...

Whoever is currently speaking to me better shut the fuck up.

"Mmmmmmm." I mumble, nuzzling my head into the pillow.

"Is that a good morning?"

Aaaand i'm awake.

I don't open my eyes for a couple seconds, until I feel a weight lift off my bed and daylight floods in.

"Ew. Light." I mumble, glaring at Karlie as I sit up.

"Well, if you don't enjoy the taste of sun, there's pancakes downstairs." She says, grinning.

"Ugh, I can't hate you for long." I say, checking the time on my phone.

"It's only 7:30! I take back what i just said, I hate you." I growl. Karlie chuckles, and throws me a hoodie from the dresser.

"Thanks." I'm about to put it on when I realise that it isn't mine.

"Karlie, this is your hoodie." I say, giggling at her stupiditity.

Karlie pokes her head through the door. "Yeah, I know. You can have it, the sleeves are too short for me." she says casually, before making her way downstairs.

"Oh, okay! thanks!" I yell, earning a grunt of approval from Karlie downstairs.

I slip it over my head, and pull out the sleeves.

Huh. It fits perfectly. And it smells a bit like Karlie.

I don't hate it.


"Hey." Taylor makes her way down the stairs, pausing to bend over and pick up Meredith, her cat.

"Are you a beautiful girl? yes you are! yes you are!" Taylor nuzzles the cat, holding it up in the air awkwardly as if she's worshipping it.

"Yes, she is. Now come have your pancakes before they get cold." Karlie grumbles, walking over to Taylor and gently taking the cat off her, kissing the feline on the head, and putting it gently on the ground.

"These look delicious, Karl." Taylor says gratefully, getting up from her seat to wrap her arms around Karlie's waist, burying her head into the crookof Karlie's neck.

Karlie chuckles, and leans into it. "You're such a baby, Tay."

"You like it." Taylor says annoyingly, hitting Karlie lightly on the back if her head.

Karlie groans, and pulls away.

"Dickhead." She mumbles, storming off to sit on her stool.

Taylor laughs, and pulls out a stool next to her, resting her head on the table.

"How'd you sleep?" She asks Karlie, playing with a strand of her own hair, twirling it around and around before letting it rest perfectly on her porcelain skin.

It takes a second for Karlie to process what Taylor's just asked, as she's too busy admiring her golden locks, and ocean blue eyes.

"Uh, weird. I was kind of awake at 3, and i'm pretty sure it was raining, but there was also someone singing? I don't know, It was probably a dream..." Karlie trails off.

Taylor has a slight amused look on her face.

"Did the singing sound a bit like... this?" Taylor starts, clearing her throat, and singing gently:

"Can't not think of all the cost, and the things that will be lost... Oh, can we just get a pause? to be certain we'll be tall again..."

Karlie's jaw dropped. "It was you?"

"Yep. I mean, I said I made music. This house is where I make it, so, boom." Taylor says simply, shoving a forkful of pancake into her mouth, watching Karlie process the whole thing with an amused look on her face.

"Please tell me you're releasing that?" Karlie asks desparately.

"Nah. I'm saving it for you."

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