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Just a quick filler. :) First day of school

"Okay class, today we will be starting on our reviews for Romeo and Juliet. I trust you have completed it as it was on your summer reading list, and if you have neglected to read it, you may see me after class. now, open a new page in your book, and answer these questions."

A collective moan erupts from the class, as pages are turned, and year 11 has begun.

"What's your favourite subject?"Karlie turns to look at Taylor, who is writing something fervently in her notebook.

"English. Algebra makes me want to stuff myself in a blender then turn it on and then feed it to my cat." Taylor states nonchalantly.

Karlies eyes widen, as she turns back to her work.

"I don't get English." Karlie tells Taylor painfully, trying to unscramble all the words she can see on her page.

Taylor sighs, and finally tears her eyes away from her page to study Karlies.

"You forgot a comma right there."Taylor points out, picking up Karlie's pen and adding a comma next to her review.

Karlie groans. "Thankyou."

Taylor grins widely, blue eyes shining. "That's alright. Though we do need to work on this; maybe I could tutor you after school?"

Karlie groans. "As much as Ill hate it, yes. Otherwise, how am I gonna get out of this goddamn school and go to NYU?" Karlie sighs.

Taylor's eyes widen in interest. "You're gonna go to NYU?"

Karlie shrugs and chuckles. "I mean, I'm gonna try."

"GIRLS!" a ruler lands loudly on their desk.

"Stop chit-chatting and FOCUS." Mrs Smith says sternly.

"Yes ma'am."

Taylors POV:

This is not fun.

To be honest, I knew I'd hate this school.

The only thing that even makes it relatively okay is the people.

The people are pretty cool.

I guess.

You know what isn't cool?

Long division.


"Taylor?" A voice interrupts my train of thought for the millionth time today.

I groan, and slowly turn my head to aggravatedly look at Karlie.


I stretch out the word.

"Do you need help? You're being louder than my computer while trying to run 4 tabs of code."

"Yes, your computer is the definition of MacBook air. I need help."

I plead Karlie. She cocks her head and looks at me mischievously.

"Say it." Karlie says huskily.

"No." Just help me Karlie.

"Where's the magic word?"

I sigh. "Please?"

"Yes!" Karlie fist pumps the air. "Manners are very important in this day and age." She adds.

I sigh.

"Kindly, fuck you." Insulting Karlie can be good fun.

"Cool. So, take the first digit of the dividend from the left."

"Mhm." I groan.

Karlie looks me in the eye.

I look her in the eye.

This actually continues for a good while until I realise, I have to do something. I don't want to. Karlie's eyes are way more interesting than dividends.

"Karlie?" I ask gently, not taking my eyes off her.

"Yes?" Karlie answers happily.

"What's a dividend?" I ask carefully, my eyes crinkling up as I shrink with cringe.

Karlie says seriously.

"That's my name."

"You're impossible."


"Nothing I haven't dealt with."

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