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"Okay, it's really not that bad, Karlie, you're overreacting." Taylor says casually while eating her "disgusting" (according to Karlie) dinner.

Karlie opens her mouth to argue, before Cara puts her hand over Karlie's mouth and interrupts with a snide comment:

"That sounds about right, drama queen..." Cara jokes.

Karlie looks bemused, and stares Cara dead in the eye.

"Hey, I'm not the one who didn't leave her room for 4 days straight after her girlfriend of two weeks broke up with her..." Karlie says matter-of-factly. Cara picks up her spoon and throws it at Karlie, which she would later obtain a small bruise from. "Asshole..." Karlie mumbles, which earns Karlie a sarcastic cocked head from Cara.

"Stop fighting! I've known you all for 2 hours and I'm still not quite sure what I've gotten myself into!"

Taylor jokes dramatically, which earns a collection of giggles from the group, before Taylor takes into account what Cara said earlier.

Taylor's smile turns into a smirk, and she turns to Cara.

"You swing that way?" Taylor asks Cara curiously.

"Babes, I swing both ways." Cara answers evilly.

Taylor's eyes widen, before she nods approvingly as she settles back down into her seat.

Okay. Looks like I'm not alone here.

Karlie is looking around the room before she locks eyes with Taylor and starts choking on her food.

"Karlie, girl, are you alright?" Kendall reaches over to pat Karlie on the back. Karlie manages to squeak out an: "iM fInE" before her cheeks turn red and she looks back down to her plate.

Well, that was weird. Taylor thinks. No, Karlie is weird... Taylor's eyes go blank and she almost drops her fork. Weird...


(the girls are walking back to their dorm)

The girls finally reach the door of their dorm, after a warm meal and a long chat at the tables.

"Les dames d'abord!" Karlie says, opening the door for Taylor, which stops the girl in her tracks.

"N'es-tu pas une femme aussi?" Taylor queries Karlie with an infectious grin. Karlie's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Tu connais le français?" Karlie asks Taylor, her jaw dropped.

"Si." Taylor answers sarcastically.

"That's Spanish, you idiot." Karlie sighs and rolls her eyes, before hitting Taylor lightly on the arm.

"I'm aware. Now, get through that door so I can sleep, please." Taylor tells Karlie strictly.

Karlie sighs and gives up, before walking through the door, letting Taylor follow her through.

As Taylor walks through the door, she notices the number on the door.

113. Ironic. My dorm number has 13 in it. My lucky number. Pretty stupid considering i'm stuck in here sharing a living space with 3 hot girls.

"Oh look! I think G and Hailee got here!" Kendall exclaims, pointing to a new pile of luggage in the corner, before two tall girls walk in, and greet Kendall, Cara, and Karlie.

Karlie grabs Gigi and wraps her up in a giant hug, before Gigi pulls away, and looks at me, obviously confused.

Karlie eyes light up, remembering something.

Dorm 113 ( Kaylor )Where stories live. Discover now