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(fast foward 9 weeks. yea, i know it's a lot of time, but nothing happens, taylor and karlie get noticeably closer, and maybe one day i'll write a mini fic about all the flirting and banter they did, but to move the story along, i need to get to the holidays xx)

"Okay, remember to do your homework! maths is a very important part of school, and your grade will go down noticeably at the end of the holidays unless you've taken the time to do it. Now, enjoy your last class, and your holidays!"

A scattering of cheers erupt from the room.

"Finally! holidays!"
Taylor exclaims, a wide grin covering her face.

Karlie smiles. "Someone looks happy!" she says, nudging Taylor on the shoulder.

Taylor looks up at Karlie, mildly offended. "What do you mean?! it's the holidays! i'm going home to record my new album!" She exclaims excitedly.

Karlie's jaw drops.

"Taylor! we've known each other for a relatively long time now, and you didn't tell me you actually made music? you dick! fuck you!"
Karlie says angrily, latching into Taylor's back.


Taylor runs into a wall in an attempt to throw Karlie off.

She fails. Karlie is still acting a bit like a koala, giggling on her back.

Taylor sighs, readjusts her grip, and continues on to their last english class for the term.


"What day are you heading home?" Karlie asks Taylor, as all the girls are settling down on the couch for a movie night before they leave.

"Tomorrow. You?" Taylor asks, as Karlie hands a bowl of popcorn to everyone.

"Same. My holidays are gonna be sooo boring though. Kristine's on a holiday with her boyfriend, the twins won't be home, and Dad'll be at work."

"KARLS, WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS POPCORN? WHY IS IT SO GOOD? THANKYOU!" Taylor exclaims, eyes widening as she quickly shoves another handful of popcorn into her mouth before jumping up and hugging Karlie tightly.

"Err, the back of the pantry?" Karlie answers suggestively, melting into Taylor's hug.

"Well, the back of the pantry is my new favourite place." Taylor mumbles into Karlie's shoulder.

"That's delightful." answers Karlie quietly.

Cara snickers at their interaction, and nudges Hailee, pointing at the two girls hugging, then makes a love heart with her heart.

Hailee giggles, turns to look at Cara and nods, as if to say: "Yes!"

Karlie frowns at them, and rolls her eyes.

Taylor pulls away, and sits back down, patting on an empty next to her, gesturing for Karlie to sit next to her.

Karlie smiles and sits down, earning an accomplished grin from Taylor, before the girl's eye's turn to the tv, which is playing Scream 4.


The night goes smoothly, until the scarier parts come on, and all the girls are on edge.

"Karlie..." Says Taylor quietly, leaning in to whisper in Karlie's ear.

"This is a bit scary..." Taylor admits into Karlie ear, earning a small chuckle from Karlie, before the taller girl turns to Taylor.

"Here, hide your head under the blanket." Karlie offers, lifting up the blanket so that Taylor can hide under the blanket, her head resting on Karlie's lap.

"Thankyou Karls." Taylor's voice is muffled, but the taller girl still hears.

"That's alright Tay. I'll tap you when the scarier part is over, 'kay?" Karlie offers, squeezing Taylor's hand.

"Stop being gay!" Kendall yells from the other side of the couch.

Taylor's muffled voice makes another appearance: "SHUT UP! WE'RE BOTH STRAIGHT! IT'S CALLED HAVING A BEST FRIEND YOU IDIOT!" She yells, fighting laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation, which causes everyone to giggle, including Karlie.


"Tay... Tay wake up, the scary part is over, I gotta pee!" Taylor wakes to Karlie gently shaking her, before getting off Karlie, and mumbling a small: "Sorry."

"That's okay. I'll be two minutes." Karlie reassures Taylor, before getting up to walk away, but finds a hand holding her back.

Taylor's hand.

"Hey, let me come with you, I need some water. It feels like my lips are dying." Taylor pleads Karlie, letting go of the taller girl's hand, and with it, the awkwardness of the situation.

"Yep, come on." Karlie says tiredly, trudging off to the bathroom with Taylor on her heels.


Karlie finds Taylor sitting in the kitchen, on a stool, looking at her phone with a grim frown on her face.

"Hey grumpy, what's up?" Karlie walks over, patting Taylor on the back.

Taylor groans, and puts her head down on the table.

"My brother Austin was supposed to come with me to our family holiday house, but he's cancelled, and Mom says unless I find someone else to come with me before tomorrow, I have to spend the holidays at home, bored out of my mind." Taylor exclaims sadly, before groaning yet again, and downing a glass of water.

"Where's the house?" Karlie asks, pulling out a stool next to Taylor.

"Rhode Island. It's kind of... big. It was my grandma's, and she was kind of rich, and she passed it down to our family. I use it for holiday songwriting retreats, and usually Austin comes with me to keep me company, but, alas, if he doesn't come, I'm not getting this album finished." Taylor explains.

"What if.. I came? it'd give us a chance to hand out, plus, I love the beach! consider it?" Karlie pleads.

"Karlie! yes! that'd be amazing, actually! text your Mom, we have to leave by 10 tomorrow, and you need to be completely ready, okay?" Taylor tells Karlie excitedly, before grabbing Karlie's hand, and squeezing it tightly.

Both the girls squeal with excitement, and run back to their own rooms to pack.


*Back in the living room*

"Where'd Karlie and Taylor go?" Gigi asks Cara, frowning.

"No idea. Probably banging." Cara answers, not taking her eyes off the screen.

Gigi gasps, and shoves Cara, which earns a single groan of tiredness.

Hailee butts in. "She's not wrong. They act like an old married couple."

"True that." Adds Kendall.


please don't be afraid to comment on this, love ya'll <3

big drama coming up ;)

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