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(Just a sweet lil filler cuz my brain is dead)

Taylor and Karlie have an enjoyable morning, even just for buying groceries. Taylor learns that Karlie's favourite color is red, and Karlie learns that Taylor plays the guitar.

"do you write as well?"
Karlie asks Taylor curiously, subconsciously placing yet another packet of cheese in their shopping cart.

"Karlie, you just put another packet of cheese in. get a grip. yes, i do write, i don't really sing to anyone else but my brother and my cat though." Taylor says shamefully.

Karlie laughs, and Taylor thinks that Karlie's laugh was the equivalent to sunshine.

"wow, your cat must be a very lucky perso- i mean cat."
Karlie says, causing Taylor to giggle.

"Yeah, because cats are people, and i'm perfectly fine..." Karlie mumbles jokingly to herself, causing Taylor to laugh even harder.

Taylor grabs Karlie's hand, which sends shivers through the taper girl's body.

That's weird. Karlie thinks.

"come on, let's get you out of here before you cause a worldwide cheese shortage."
Taylor says, pulling Karlie to the register.
Once the girls head back, Taylor unloads the groceries, while Karlie plonks onto her bed and sticks her earbuds in, playing "Fall at your feet" By Crowded house.

Karlie opens her messages, and spots a contact name.
"Gracie (Therapist)"
Karlie laughs at the obnoxious name, but decides to text her anyway. (Remember that Karlie is Lara)

K: hey
G: good morning. how are you?
K: dead
K: 💀
G: Lara, are you okay? do we need to talk?
K: cAnT wE jUsT tAlK??!!
G: you know i hate charlie puth, lara.
K: i know. why else would you think i would sing it?
G: maybe because your mental health has improved and you were to the mood to sing, but never mind.
K: i hate you ❤️
G: and i hate the fact that i can't verbally abuse you because i'm your therapist.
K: just another reason to 🔪 👧 🖕
G: Lara, this is not healthy, and not funny to joke about.
K: it kind of is.
G: you make my head hurt.
K: hehehehe

Karlie laughs, she finds it hilarious that Gracie is getting paid for this shit. However, it is a good source of entertainment, so Karlie isn't complaining.

Karlie sighs happily, and jumps up, before walking out the kitchen, spotting Taylor rolling her eyes at her phone.

"oh no. what has your brother done now?" Karlie jokes, spotting Taylor's distressed face.

Taylor looks up at Karlie, and gives her side eye.

"Very funny, but no. My client is being a difficult little asshole."
Taylor huffs, and puts her phone face-down on the table, before crossing her arms like a little kid.

Karlie laughs. "I'm soooo lucky that i'm mentally fine enough to not need a therapist."

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