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"D'you wanna go for a walk?" Karlie asks, peeking her head through the door frame, grinning slightly.

Taylor sighs, and looks up from her magazine. "Depends where. I'm pretty tired."

Karlie grins even more, and plonks down in the armchair across from Taylor.

"I don't know. Up and down the beach? it's there for a reason, right?" Karlie says casually, leaning back into the chair to spread her legs out.

Taylor smiles. "First things first, you're an idiot. Second, that sounds nice."

"Good because I was about to drag you out of here. Go get some running gear on." Karlie says quickly, jumping up from the chair, satisfied with Taylor's answer.

"I thought you said we were walking?" Taylor says warily, putting her magazine down on the coffee table and slowly lifting herself from the couch.

"Same thing. Let's go."


"Can we just start with slow jogging? i seriously can't run right now." Taylor whines, walking down the stairs to the beach tiredly, Karlie humming happily in front of her.

Karlie sighs. "You're so dramactic. C'mon." She says, attempting to drag Taylor onto the beach.

"Karlie, chill. Gimme one sec..." Taylor starts, pulling out her phone.

"Oh, i'll give you a sec." Karlie says cheekily, as she quickly steals Taylor's phone right out of her hands, and sprinting down the beach with it.

"KARLIE!" Taylor yells, stomping her feet like a little kid.

"COME AND GET IT TAY!" Karlie yells, already halfway down the beach.

Taylor sighs, and contemplates whether or not she should run after Karlie.

C'mon, get some exercise.

Ew. No.

Yes, then you'll get your phone back.

She'll just bring it back.

That's cringe. Such a mood killer. It's just a small run!




Taylor almost feels like yelling out loud, to tell her brain to shut the fuck up.

she decides not to, and sinks one of her feet slowly into the wet sand.

That's actually kinda nice. It's cold and refreshing. Karlie was right about running on the beach barefoot.

yeah, that's because Karlie's always right.

This gives Taylor a giant boost of energy, as she bounds onto the soft sand with both feet, and starts to run.

Her breath is pounding in her head. Her throat is burning. But she doesn't mind.

A grin begins to spread scross her face.

She then begins to feel a cold sensation on her forehead.


This just makes Taylor run even faster, her feet hitting a 1-2 pattern at the speed of light, grinning widely and laughing.

She looks up to see Karlie slowing down at the end of beach. The singer spots the smile tainting her face even from here.

Okay, it's getting a bit wet now. Taylor's hair is plastered to her face with water, as it drips down from her forehead into her mouth.

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