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"Karlie, you are being utterly ridiculous." Taylor says, as Karlie rushes around the house, fetching blankets and making endless cups of tea. Ha. She looks so cute wrapped up like a baby. "No I'm not, babe. It's called taking precautions. If you get sick-sick, then we can't do anything, and that's boring." Karlie rambles, handing Taylor the remote, which the older girl grabs and throws violently at Karlie's head. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR YOU ASSHOLE?" Karlie yells, turning around with her jaw dropped staring in disbelief at Taylor.
"YOU WEREN'T SHUTTING UP! COULD YOU PLEASE GET ME MY NOTEBOOK AND MY PEN?" Taylor yells back, fighting laughter. Karlie smiles, realising that Taylor was just messing around.
"I mean yeah, but you could've just told me..." the younger girls says, her voice trailing off as she jogs up the stairs.
Taylor giggles, and starts to hum a tune she can't seem to get out of her brain. "Baby we're the new... baby we're the new romantics , come on and explore with m- cmon, come along with me, something something is our national anthem, we sing it loudly...- proudly."  Well, that has potential. She jokes to herself.

Karlie moves swiftly around the couch, gently throwing Taylor's notebook onto her lap.
"Thanks Kar." The older girls says, giving Karlie a grateful smile which the girl returns.
Karlie sits about a meter away from Taylor, fumbling with the remote. "Is it okay if I watch something? like it won't interrupt your writing?" Karlie asks Taylor. "Yeah, no that's fine, just turn the volume down a bit." Taylor says, not looking up from her notebook.

Karlie sits and watches Gossip Girl for a bit, eventually roping Taylor into it, and they sit closely together, sharing a throw.

"I hate Dan." Taylor says carelessly.
Karlie turns her head slowly, mouth agape. "You better be joking, Tay." Karlie growls. Taylor puts her hands up in surrender, backing away slightly, before Karlie grasps her hand, pulling Taylor back. "Don't leave, it's cold. I'm cold." The younger girl says shamefully. "Okay you big baby." Taylor jokes, focusing her eyes back on the tv. Karlie's eyes linger somewhere else.

She's got such pretty lips.
What the hell Karlie?
You're straight.
What if I'm not?
You still can't fall for Taylor.

"Karlie?" Taylor asks, waving her hand in front of the girls face.
"Huh, what?" Karlie asks, confusedly.
"Uh, you were staring. At my lips..." Taylor says awkwardly.
Karlie's face turns a violent shade of pink.
"Oh, yeah. I um- I just noticed that... they look a bit blue, are you alright?" Karlie asks nervously.
Taylor chuckles awkwardly, "I'm fine." She says nonchalantly, focusing her attention back on her notebook.

Hours pass before another awkward encounter happens.

"What do you write about?" Karlie asks curiously, peering over Taylor's shoulder, which causes the half-asleep girl to suddenly jump in her seat, and turn around, her face now inches from Karlie's.

Taylor's breath hitches in her throat. "Uh... stuff." Taylor says nervously, taking in Karlie's eyes.
"Like what?" Karlie asks, tilting her head in curiosity. Okay, gay or not Taylor, admit it to yourself, that was pretty adorable.

"Sorry, what?" Karlie says, snapping Taylor out of her thoughts.
"Did I say something?" Taylor asks, on edge.
"I'm pretty adorable, huh?" Karlie teases, staring deeply into Taylor's eyes.
Taylor gulps, her eyes flitting down to Karlie's lips for a split second. Karlie leans in, and Taylor decides not let her reflexes win, and lets Karlie whisper into her ear.
"You can be adorable, too. When you're not throwing television remote controls at my head, that is." The younger girl says raspily, Taylor feeling her hot breath on her neck.
Karlie leans back to where she was sitting as if nothing happened. Taylor decides to do the same, to play the flirting off.
"Smooth, Kloss. Smooth." Taylor says swankily. Karlie grins.

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