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(*Zac's POV*)

I get out of the car and I immediately blink my eyes at the bright sun. Spending five hours in a car, covered by a blanket, does not make you prepared for sun, it turns out. 

"Come on, Zac, get moving and grab your bag." My mom ruffles my black hair, messing it up even more. I pout and go to grab my bags.

"Don't pout, Zachary, it makes you uglier." My older sister, Bea, joked. Bea is 12, and I am eight. She is four years older than me, and four years more annoying. I roll me eyes at her, but chuckle. "Do what my told you to do." She smirked and I stuck my tongue out. She followed suit. I grabbed my bag, which was heavy, considering it was "only" filled with clothes. Hehe...

I go into the house and set my bag down in the room my mother tells me to, and then my dad is calling me outside. "Zac! Come meet the neighbors!" I don't know if you picked up on this, but, even at eight years old, I do not like things that involve energy or people. I groan, making my way down stairs slowly. "Zac, faster!" My father calls again. To which, I slowly jog.

When I get outside, a woman is stand there with my mother, father, and sister. She holds the hand of who can only be her son. Oh great...this boy looks my age. I sigh heavily and walk over as if I do not care, which I don't. 

My mother places her hands on my shoulders. "And this is our lovely son, Zachary."

"Zac." I mutter, hating my full name. I look at the other boy and he is staring at me with interest. His brown hair is a mess and I scoff.

(*Kai's POV*) 

I look at the boy that walks out of the house. It's hard to tell but I peg him to be my age, or a little bit older. His black hair is nearly perfect except for a few stray bits. It makes me want to laugh. He walks over lazily, uninterested. He looks at me and I think I see him sigh. He comes up to us, and the woman who is his mother sets her hands on his shoulders, to which he looks greatly displeased. 

"And this is our lovely son, Zachary." She says with a smile.

"Zac." The boy mutters, slight anger in his voice. I look at him, interested as to why he hurried to say Zac in a slightly angry voice. His blue eyes meet my own and he looks at me for a second before scoffing. This makes me feel slightly hurt for whatever reason. I frown. 

"Well, why don't you come over for a cup of tea? Maybe some snacks or food? The boys can play and us parents and sisters," My mother winks at the girl that stands next to the father. "Can chat and have fun ourselves, hmm?"

The father and mother nod and the mother says, "That would be very nice, thank you." I smile, knowing that this black-haired grump of a kid will wind up being my friend after our playdate. 

(*Zac's POV*)

I have to mentally groan as a playdate offer gets thrown out. I know right away that my mother will accept, knowing the amount of friends I had at our old town: zero. If I had it my way, I would shut myself in my room all day and never talk to anyone else. Friends are overrated. 

My mother and father nod as my mother says, "That would be very nice, thank you." 

The other boy smiles at me and I look at him with a blank expression, wondering if I could make it to my bedroom and lock the door before anyone caught me. My odds were not great. I sighed heavily and allowed my sister to pull me to the neighbor's house. The other boy goes to stand right next to me and Bea lets me go, figuring the kid will bring me to the house.

"Hello, my name is Kai." He says, smiling and waving. 

I look at him blankly, raising an eyebrow. "Zac."

"I know, I paid attention when you spoke." He said. Wait, he said when I spoke, not when my mother  spoke. I raised my eyebrow again. I followed him inside. "So," He began. Great. 

(*Kai's POV*) 

"So," I began. I looked at the black-haired boy. I saw him sigh. "You're the same age as me, right? Eight?"

"Yes." He said, no longer looking at me, and looking around my house. 

"Well, that means you are in third grade, right?" I ask, watching him with interest. 

"Yes." He responded 

I clicked my tongue and watched him, more. This is awkward. As an eight-year-old, I did not understand how it could be, but it was. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"Why does it matter?" He asked me, finally looking at me again.

"Well, I want to get to know you, be your friend." I reply with a smile.

"Friends are overrated. They get you nowhere in life, remember that. I shall not be your friend, nor anything else like it. I am perfectly fine with being alone.

"But friends are fun!" I argue with a faltering smile

"Friends are pain." He said, angry now. He went to the living room and sat with his sister, ending all conversation between us. It kind of hurt. I just wanted to be friends with him...


I hope you guys enjoyed reading this lovely backstory I made for Zac and Kai. My way of showing you how exactly they were when first meeting before showing you how they are ten years later. Fr tho, do you think I made young Zac a little too emo, or even too hurtful? 

I'm always looking for new ideas, too, so put in the comments some ideas for future chapters (just remember to stick to the plot) and I might consider them if I like them and be sure to give you credit if I do use them!

Okay, so I kind of wanted to make Zac be in fourth grade because I wanted him to be smarter than kids his age, but then I figured it did not fir the plot I put in the description and scrapped that idea. Put in the comments if you think I should make another story with a character too smart for the grade his age says he's supposed to be in!

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