Chapter Seven

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I groan and look in the mirror again. I need to call my mom. Get either some clothing to change into, or better yet, just go home so I can get all of the milk off of me. 

I dial the number of my mom. She doesn't answer so I text her.

Kai: Mom, answer the phone.
Kai: Mom
Kai: Mom

Mom: What is it Kai?

Kai: Can u pick me up from schol
Kai: School*

Mom: There is still 3 hours of school left
Mom: No

Kai: Someone poured milk all over me
Kai: It's soaked thru my hair and clothes
Kai: pls?

Mom: Fine
Mom: Give me 10 minutes

Kai: ty mom
*Read at 12:37 pm*

I put my phone away and walk out of the bathroom, my basketball team is back to sitting at the table, cleaning up the mess. "Hey." I mutter, walking up.

Jason stands up. "The idiot emo boy left. He got into a Honda and then it drove away. We couldn't punish him."

A Honda. "Was the Honda red?"

"I think so, why?"

"Nevermind." A red Honda. Probably Honda Civic. His aunt's car. Aunt Jade. So, he hitched a ride with her. Should've known he would. "I texted my mom. I'm gonna go home early today, so I can get cleaned up. I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

Jason kisses me real quick. "Okay, we'll get this cleaned up. Have a good day, babe."

I nod and walk out of the cafeteria. Walking to my locker, I notice people staring at me. I sigh heavily. This is what happens when milk gets poured all over you, I guess. I open my locker, grab my stuff, and close it again, starting to walk away before remembering to lock it. Sighing, I walk quickly outside to see my mom pull up in her Chrysler. I open the passenger door. 

"Oh, nah, get in the back. Too many people sit in the front for you to sit there while covered in milk." She says, stopping me.

I sigh, annoyed and shut the car door, going to open the back door and sit there instead. She begins driving before I put my seatbelt on.

"Who did it?"

"Did what?"

She glares at me through the rearview mirror. "Poured milk on you."

"It doesn't matter." I mutter

"Kai, tell me right now."

"Mom, it doesn't matter."

"Kai Scott, you tell me right this second. Who the hell poured milk all over you?" She stops at a red light and turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Zac." I mutter quietly.


"Zac." I say, louder, more annoyed.

"Zac?" She looks very shocked, but the light is green again so she has to turn to face the road again. "Isn't he your best friend? Why would he do that? I'm sure it was accident, or something. He would never do that on purpose."

"No, It was on purpose. Trust me. I saw him. So did the entire basketball team." I mutter bitterly.

"We are talking about Zachary Smith, right? The same boy that's been your best friend for ten years?"

"Not my best friend anymore." I mutter quietly, looking out the window.

"What was that?"

"I said, 'Yeah, it is the same Zac.'" I lie. 

"Well, that doesn't sound like him. He's always so chill..." She mutters. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean? Why do you assume I did something?"

"No person just dumps milk on someone's head without a reason. He had to have had a reason."

"Ugh, it doesn't matter, mom, just drive. I don't feel like talking." I cross my arms and look out the window.

"Fine. Whatever, Kai." 

The rest of the ride, she doesn't talk to me. It's good because it gives me time to think about what happened today. Did I make the wrong choice choosing Jason over Zac? Or did I do the right thing, considering how Zac had acted? Why did I feel so much guilt? Would I be feeling this guilty is I had chosen Zac instead? Ugh, why is life so fucking difficult?!


Well, do any of you agree with Kai's decision? What do you think about the feelings of guilt he has? What could be the cause? And what about the other questions he asked himself, any answers for them?

As always, comment any ideas you have for this story, I will think them through!

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